hello, my name is brittany, and this is my fisrt post. im looking for some help to build my esthetics clients with little to no money for advertising. i work for a wellness facility doing massage, anti cellulite body wraps and esthetics, but i am having little success actually getting people scheduled. i use glo therapeutics and love the porducts, my prices are very reasonable for our location. any tips i would greately appriciate! thanks so much .

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become social...

Devyn - it' s not easy, the most important thing is to recognized that it will take time. Set a goal and stick with it. Mine is 1 party a week, if don't do 1 this week, next week i do 2. i live in a fairly big city, so i have a lot of networking opportunity. i know the type of clientele i want. so i look for event i can attend and just meet people. there was a women's convention here in Dallas about 3 weeks ago. i attended not as an esthetician looking for business, but as a "woman" looking to make "friends" with people who had values that match mine (health and wellness and beauty etc..). Mind you I'm an introvert, so it has takes a lot of work and practice for me to do this. After about 4 hours of just enjoying the convention as a "women interested in people" i was able to make a few contacts that i will follow up on.

 what I'm trying to say is be a esthetician interested in people and you will build that clientele that last and is interested in helping you (word of mouth!!!). I know that when money is not coming in, you don't have the time for patience. But unfortunately the reality is sit back, take a deep breath, set some goals,and just be ( an esthetician intersted in others).

I hope that helps, Let me know if i can help you in a more specific way

That is actually really helpful, Nandy. I am pretty introverted as well. I can be outgoing if I'm comfortable but I have a hard time putting myself out there. Mmm, maybe that's why I'm still single. :) Anyway, I'm going to try things your way. I've actually already been on the search for networking things but I've been looking as a business person instead of as a woman. It will be interesting to see how things go. I'm not very patient but this industry has been teaching me that I need to be! Thanks for your advice!!
I have been wanting to try spa parties! Would you mind sharing more info with me like what your set up is as far as equipment and products? Thank you!

With re scheduling go into it very positively presuming they will schedule so instead of saying "would you like to book another visit" say instead "Let's book you in again".  And I would agree if you want low cost marketing use social media and Facebook in particular. But if your not very social media savvy then get the new ebook called Beauty Salon Social Media - Facebook Made Easy someone on this forum recently suggested this and I have got it and have to say it has made it easy. But like anything you have to be consistent once you start you have got to follow through. 

Is it on Amazon for Kindle?  I googled it and found one, but it's a workbook with a CD that costs $89.  Wow.  I may have to write my own and market it.  I'm pretty Facebook savvy. 

Go for it if you can but I think its always easy to say we can do something but I guess its doing it that's that counts. And for me who I might add has little or no real social media ability its a valuable tool and one I was happy to pay for and the fact the guy who wrote it made it so easy to understand and that its been done with our industry in mind....real live stuff that relates to what I need for my salons Facebook. 

So it is that $89 book you are talking about?  That didn't look like an ebook, thats why I questioned it. 

Yep its an eBook that you download.

it's a little pricey...

This book "Likable Social Media" is only $9 on Kindle.


I just picked up the softcover and will let you know how I like it (when I get the chance to actually sit down and read it!)


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