I'm licensed in Georgia but interested in getting licensed in FL & doing contract/temporary work in Miami.  Has anyone done this?  Are there websites or companies to go through to maybe do hotel and/or resort work? Would love to travel 1-2 weeks out of the month work there.

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I am from OH and looked at working in FL also. I am also a massage therapist. To get my FL license I had to find a school (which is difficult) to review my transcripts. I had to take an 8 hour course ($350) for massage and an 8 hour course ($350) for my esthetics license. They would then have to approve my school after taking both course then I could apply for a FL license which I think was going to be around $250.
Needless to say it was going to cost me about $1000 to get licensed in FL and nobody would talk to me until I was licensed down there. I was looking in the Orlando area, working in the winter. So I am stuck in OH in the winter for right now until I can justify the $1000.

I just got my Facial Specialist (esthetics) and Body Wrap licenses in Florida. I went to school in New York. Florida must have one of the lowest requirements for estheticians, nail techs, body wrappers since there is not any type of testing done to get a registration/license.


Getting licensed in esthetics in Florida is pretty easy. You do have to have a school evaluate your current transcripts. Then they will say what you need to be complient in Florida. You will probably need Florida law and something else. After all is said and done, it will cost about $350 for a school to evaluate, provide the needed hours, and give you a certificate of endorsement to get your Florida license.


You will also need a 4 hour HIV/AIDS course. I found the HIV course for $14. You send everything into the state and get a license/registration.


You can also get a Body Wrap license since a lot of people think you need that to do body stuff. It's a bit quirkey the way they word it. I got it just to be absolutley sure. I can give you info on that if you want.


If you want the name of the school I used let me know.

I am FL license, planning back to CT. By the way I want to have NY license. 

Do I have to be NY resident to apply for NY license? Thank you.

You will need to look at the NY state requirements. If you went to school in Florida I doubt you will have enough schooling to qualify for a NT license. NY requires a written and a practical test. There may be a way for someone who has X number of years experience and being licensed in another state to get reciprocity but I can't remember.


It looks like if you have 5 years of verifiable experience in another state or country you may get reciprocity in NY state.



Thank you, Audrey. 

All states have different requirements. I am an LMT also-I trained/lived in LA at the time but then I started visiting TX more often and wanted to get my license (now live here), though hours have increased here in TX now, my LA licensed trumped TX so all I had to do wait be licensed for 2 years (could have had someone vouch for me but only knew one MT who gave me a couple of massages, so felt it inappropriate to ask).

Checking requirements would be a good idea for anyone with thoughts of moving anywhere. I met a gal in LA who had 15 years experience in a medical establishment in Alaska and LA wouldn't aceept any experience in place of school, she choose not to do the 500 hour class. Not even sure what differences are in esthetics.


wouldn"t it be nice if licensing was national instead of per state?

Sure would!



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