Greetings Everyone! Finally got the actual license so beginning my product purchasing. I am signing up for the PCA peel seminar, got some Skin Script samples today, and am also interested in Image. I filled out their online info and called them, said they would return my call...heard nothing, so then faxed them everything and still heard nothing. Called them again this morning and they tell me they are "changing systems" and that someone will call me next week. Feeling bad vibes...anyone have similar experiences with them?

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Congratulations, Tabatha! I am still a student but I had a good experience with Image's customer service. They called and emailed me back within a short time (may have been 48 hours at the most). I haven't used their products or attended training, so I can't speak to that.

The rep that contacted me is Aimee Fuentes. Phone 415.577.7413. She is the NW rep so might not be the right territory for you but maybe she can connect you with someone? Hope this is helpful.

Thank You! And Good Luck to you! 

Congrats on getting your license-now the fun begins! I'm currently using PCA and Face Reality Acne products-so can't comment on the other. wishing you lots of good luck!

Thank you very much! I wish you lots too!

what do you think of pca and face reality

Have just got started with Face Reality Acne and did first facial with it, 2 days ago. PCA I was a little familiar with we used it in school for all the peels, I don't do a whole lot of facials, (more waxing) I like PCA fine, but still so much to learn (a year licensed). I just recently did the Advanced peeling class and starting to learn about the new products they have introduced. I don't currently have anyone on the home care so kinda hard to tell you anything more!


Sorry I haven't responded sooner! I really like the PCA Peels, home care, not so much. too expensive

I think I remember hearing some regions receiving pretty slow and late customer service from Image...

I am in Southern CA and I got a quick response and have had no customer service issues.

I think this might be a territory/region issue.  Where are you located?

Illinois...wouldn't surprise me. EVERYTHING here is backwards lol

It is kind of hit and miss with the Florida office customer service, but their product is so worth it and their regional representatives make up for your frustration. I'm in Central Ca and went through the same thing, maybe it's the time of year as well; busy purchasing season? maybe go to their Facebook page and ask who your rep is?

Thank You! That's a good tip. I will. And thank you for reiterating that it will be worth it 8 )

Hi tabatha , Im in Illinois too..Tinley...where are you located? Im looking for other estys to trade service and tips


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