OK- another one of my goofy questions....

How do you best juggle skin care lines??

I have 2 lines I am using now. Both great- one is a bit lower price point and smaller line, the other is a bit more sophisticated, bit higher price point, but still pretty reasonable- and several lines within a line.

I find that I get muddled up in the head when I start trying to sort out how to best market/educate my clients/prescribe care for them/figure out menu offerings with BOTH lines.... b/c I'm tempted to be partial to one.... but I know a lot of clinics DO offer several lines, and that it's a good idea...  ???

SO- how do you do it?? I'd love to hear feedback from those who work with 2+ lines.


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Keep it simple, simple, simple. If you're getting muddled, just imagine how they're going to feel about the product information you give them. While you're doing their treatment, in your own head, decide which products will best suit their needs and then educate them on only those products. Don't make it too many products to begin with, you can always add on more as you see they are interested. I have different things that I just like best from certain product lines. I don't carry every single product they offer...that can get confusing!


Keep your menu simple also. Informative but simple. Have you ever gone to a restaurant where the menu is hug, tons of things to choose from? I don't know about you, but I look at it and I just get overwhelmed and can't decided what to order. But when I go somewhere that has less choices, it feels much more comfortable and I always find something to suit my taste! Hope this help....Shelley

Thank you Shelley! and I totally agree/relate about the restaurant menu... good analogy!!

Oops...I just noticed I put "hug menu" instead of "huge menu"! I always have hugs on my mind! :)


Another thing that I do that some may not agree with is that I don't put prices on my website or on my menu. My menu just explains the different types of treatments (microphototherapy, microcurrent, etc.) that I do. Let's say you get a new client or someone looking at your website that could potentially be a good long term client, but because they've read a dollar amount for a treatment that is higher than what they can afford...you've lost them before you've even had the chance to work with them. Let them inquire. Then this is where a good consultation comes in. Create the best treatment you can for them in the price range that they can afford to do on a regular basis. Let them know that you are giving them this price because you know that they will commit to doing regular monthly treatments. So, wouldn't you rather maybe have a little less money coming in from this new client than no money at all? She may end up being someone that talks about you like crazy and sends you tons of referrals....it's worth taking care of her at a price she can afford.


I think every clinic SHOULD have more than one line.

I have worked for THREE places now that only carried ONE line - two I liked and one I didn't...and ONE place that carried two lines - one I liked and one I didn't so I was only using and selling one line.

For my own business

I started with two and I still plan on supplementing with other stuff...

So - in the treatment room....

Right now, I am just getting familiar with a new line so I am trying to stick just with that line only during a treatment. 

However, in general, I do tend to cherry pick from my products and I am always trying out specialty masques.

Clients don't know what you are using - so I often will only mention and praise a product during treatment if/when I think they should have it.

For retail sales - you just get a feel for what the client's skin needs and what type of person they are.

And you will probably eventually LOVE using one line over another anyway.

Gina - I think you are using SkinScript, right?  I think that their retail line is very easy to prescribe and the price point is extremely reasonable.  Easy sells so far are the Blemish Control Cleanser and the Glycolic Cleanser...Acai Berry Moisturizer...and Vit C serum (cuz who doesn't need that?)

Before they come out of the treatment room I set out 2 to 4 products...it's usually three... on a tray with their Rx sheet.  any more than that, unless it's a kit, is too overwhelming for most people

I just say "These are the products that would really benefit your skin. If you are not in a position to take them all home today, THIS is the ONE product that would benefit you the most."  If they are using an extremely horrible product, I will also remind them why I want them to STOP using it.




since we have had conversation about how I do treatments, this will hopefully make sense to you...

I have 2 price points, one is retail and the other is PC. Sometimes I even mix the lines because one or two products can really make a difference in the results. I give them side by side pricing on paper for their customized protocol and show them before and after with product support and those clients who chose not to support their treatment with the right products. I just lay the options out there and let them decide, the pressure is off of us both! We sold so much product last year, the company sent me to the Atlantis in the Bahamas this year! 

I just want to encourage you in your first year on your own. You are doing great! 


Thanks everyone! :-)


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