This I know and was taught but where can I find the law or statute that declares it is outside of the scope as an esthetician. I am trying to prove a point but cannot find anything backing me. I have contacted just about every source I can think of and they too cannot find it.
I too, am in FL, and was taught the same thing about lancets not being in our scope. Don't know if any of this will help, but thought I'd just pass along the info I found to you. When I was trying to figure out which devices we COULD use, I was told to just look for any that fell under Class I. (I was told that is the legal scope of practice limitation for Estheticians) I also discovered that it seems almost everything has a classification, from bandages to machines, but I cannot find that link again!! Sorry!
The Class I devices, I thought, were those that did not puncture the skin/go beneath the epidermis. So, after many attempts at contacting the FDA to see if there was a "list" of Class I devices, and was only referred to a link that told me HOW to classify a device, I came up with these links. When referring to lancets, the classification is contrary to what I was told when you see that they are classified as a Class I. I am a little confused and wish that it all was a little clearer!
Unbelievably, lancets came up in the search. I haven't been able to pull up any other devices when I've looked previously!! I hope, in some way, this was helpful to you! If anyone else has information about this, I would also love to know!