Does anyone have experience on lash extensions and can you recommend product line and training?  Thanks

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I have had them done to me by an Xtreme Lash stylist, and I really liked them.  I don't have a lot to compare it to, though - the only other reference is watching someone else do it at a school, and I felt that the Xtreme lash was done with more consideration for what the client wanted to achieve.  They use different length lashes, curly vs straighter, different colors, and so on.  It's not a great comparison, though, because the school demonstration was with a basic kit from another company, and they were all the same length and style.   Other companies might offer options, I just didn't happen to see them demonstrated.   The school demo used about half the number of lashes, and the end result was really no better than what I can achieve with individual Ardell lashes.  From what I understand, Xtreme is expensive, but worth it.  I hope that helps?

I use Shavasana eyelash extensions and was trained by them, too. I really like them, but don't really have anything to compare to. They have different lengths and widths of lashes as well as different curl shapes. I also like that they have different adhesives to chose from (sensitive formulas) I'm happy and would recommend them!
I use PremierLash. From what I've noticed, the companies I know, ie PremierLash, xtreme and novalash use the same medical grade glue. Of course each company will state their glue is better than the other.
The PremierLash extensions come on an adhesive backing which makes it easier and quicker to handle whereas the other companies' lashes are loose, which takes a little longer to apply.
Hopes this helps and good luck!

Is there training available with Premiere lash? Cost of training? I have thought about taking the training but I know with Extreme it is super costly...... Can you share what you generally charge for a new set/fill ins? I just dont know if where I live if clients would pay top dollar for this service

Butterfly lash extensions are good. I've had them and really like them.

Lavish Lashes is a great company!! The why behind this is that they have great follow through and will help you develope your business.  If you find yourself having a challenge their response is immediate and on the spot. I also like that they have different adhesives to chose from (sensitive formulas and medical) in addition to having a class on applying lashes to the lower line.  I believe this is exclusive to any other lash company

Just an overall great company!


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