A client of mine said that awhile back she was watching Dr. Oz and he said that lavendar oil can break down the collagen in your skin??!!  I am not aware of this and she was positive that he said that.  Being that some of the products I use have lavendar in them, I was curious.  Did anyone hear of this??


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It looks like she was referring to this:



He called them "fragrances" so maybe it's not the actual essential oil that is the problem as much as something being called a FRAGRANCE of lavendar... he's a little vague in his meaning actually.

It amazes me that he has become the be-all and end-all when it comes to this stuff..... :-P

Thank-you so much for that link!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah, he does seem a little vague.  I wish he would be more clear because ALOT of people watch his show.   

Read this interesting rebuttal by a homemade soap company:




Read the comments, too....


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