Hi everyone!  I wanted to get a general concensus on the protocols surrounding leaving clients alone during parts of a facial treatment.  I have been to 2 places that have put the mask on, covered my eyes and and said, OK, I'll be back in 20 minutes and left the room.  I felt bored and un-cared for as a client.  I personally would never do this. During mask, I perform hand and arm massage, scalp massage, or some type of relaxation treatment.  I just wondered what you all thought of this practice?  As a client, I must say I hated it.  Thanks for the feedback! 

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Never leave a client. So many issues can happen when you leave the room. It is unprofessional and uncaring to the client.

Thank yhou Susanne.  I thought the same thing, but want other's insights as well. 

I agree with you. When I rented out a room at a location, I used to be afraid to step out the room for less then a minute to change the water. I personally perform a chest, shouler, and arm massage while the mask is sitting. 

I agree with Susanne, you should never leave a client alone. I too have experienced this and it made me feel like I was not a priority. I try to always be in contact with my client during a facial. It's all about the experience!

Thanks April!  I gave a facial tonight and that experience made me so much more confident in my ability to make my client feel special and relaxed, that I think I gave one of the best treatments I ever did!  It just shocks me that professionals think leaving someone for that long with a product on their face is acceptable.  I believe that effective treatments and relaxation are not mutually exclusive! 

I too never leave a client alone.  I do the hand/arm/foot massage while the mask is on. 

I have worked with many people who do this, and never thought it was right.

However, I have to admit that I have done it myself on a couple of occassions - usually it has been when it's a teenager and I leave them with masque to go talk to Mom about the teens skin and product recommendations - and what she is willing to invest.

With teens, you have TWO clients - the Mom is always part of the package.

But otherwise - I think it is a bad, lazy practice.

Due to the set-up at the salon (no sink in room, shared back bar), I have to leave the room from time to time, but never for more than a minute!!  I will tell you that I have gained many devoted clients because I'm with them the entire treatment.  Someone at the salon (no names!) leaves her facial clients to go do someone else's wax!!  They hate it and once they experience my complete focus they usually come to me!!  So much so, that (unnamed person) complains that our treatments aren't "consistent" and tries to get me to change my routine!!  LOL!!

I truly believe that our gift to our clients is our touch and our presence, more so than our cutting-edge products!!

I have hated anytime when I was left alone during a facial so I vowed to never do it. I honestly think it all depends on the Esty... Are they therapeutic or strictly medical. The ones that just want results and could care less about touchy feely facials will always leave the room.. Sometimes for another client. I hate when I even have to take both hands off the client but sometimes you have to. 
After I apply the mask I perform hand massages and then I leave the room to get fresh water from the nearby sink outside of the room. I'm usually out for 5-10 minutes. During this time I think its a good opportunity for the client to meditate, soak in the experience, belch/cough lol.. whatever they may be holding back during treatment. However, when I had a treatment room with a sink in it, I never left out during the facial.

I hate being left as a client. You are never really sure if they will be back. I know many places around me will encourage the 'mask time' to be utilized for a quick wax....or worse a cigarette break & lunch. Not what the client is expecting. They can still relax & unwind while you are offering an added value of massage.  

As an aesthetician, who was trained in Europe, we were taught that the client has paid for your time (and the treatment) so they should have your full attention during this time. I use this time to extend the facial massage to neck, decolette and scalp, gives the client the feeling of a longer massage.  The scalp massage helps to relax teh whole body :)

That would bother me a lot as a client. You stop relaxing and start worrying about whether they've forgotten about you, whether you're supposed to be doing something, when they're going to come back ... just totally not cool, apart from the obvious safety issues.

I have had facials where the esthetician left the room for a very short time, just a few seconds or a minute, having explained it first and saying she would be back right away -- that's okay, but 20 minutes is NOT! If all I wanted was to put something on my face and lie in a room by myself, I could do that at home for free!


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