Hi everyone!  I wanted to get a general concensus on the protocols surrounding leaving clients alone during parts of a facial treatment.  I have been to 2 places that have put the mask on, covered my eyes and and said, OK, I'll be back in 20 minutes and left the room.  I felt bored and un-cared for as a client.  I personally would never do this. During mask, I perform hand and arm massage, scalp massage, or some type of relaxation treatment.  I just wondered what you all thought of this practice?  As a client, I must say I hated it.  Thanks for the feedback! 

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It sounds to me as if some of you are in a race to be "right" as opposed to learning from each other. I thought the discussion was about whether we leave the clients alone or not during the treatment, not charging for hand and arm massage? Like Shelley said ...you dont know me so you wouldnt know I graduated top of my class 7 years ago, or that my instructor still prefers that I perfom her services over other estheticians, but hey, this is not a pat yourself on the back discussion is it? If you look at my responses i explain fully well why i do what i do and no one bashed you for wearing youself out massaging folks for free. But hey, if that is what makes you a "better" esty, by all means....proceed if thats what makes you perform your job well and helps you sleep at night. :-) my point is we all do things differently and the purpose of this forum is to learn from each other, not try to win the "im right" prize.....im out on this convo... peace to you all.....this single mama lazy esty who works 12 hour days when kiddo is with Dad needs rest. ;)

I'm guessing this was addressed to me, as I commented on being surprised people do it as an add on.  I don't think I called anyone lazy, or said anything good or bad about it, just interested to learn other's practices, etc.   I found Shelley to be very condescending to alot of us with her comments and stated that, and stand by it.  I'm not trying to say who's better or not, just trying to see what others do and why.  And you comment above about 'wearing yourselves out massaging folks for free' was pretty condescending as well.  Why is it people  can't have a discussion without it getting nasty? 

I think it is all about personal preference and your style as an esthetician.  I do leave the room for all of 5 minutes.  I do so after making sure they have no discomfort and are comfortable.  I tell them that I will let them meditate and relax for a few minutes.  Generally, the reply is thank you!  I would never leave for more than that short time.  If they are sleeping I just stay in the room and clean up. When I first started in the area clients complained that other estheticians in town would leave during the steam and whole mask!  Oh well, their loss if they don't want to do their job! As far as exfoliation goes, I massage my enzymes in understeam So, no time for hand and arm massage.  I used to do them during the mask when I first started, but I choose to save my hands.  I have had some issues since starting eyelash extensions with my wrists.  I haven't lost any clients over stopping.  I do a long massage during the treatment and use other eye and ultrasonic infusion add-ons.  Your individual style is what makes clients come back.....whether you have been around the block or are just starting!

Hi jodi!

I would only leave if its an absolute emergency other than that no way. your the professional and you need to look professional. Ive had many complaints from clients who were going to other estheticians about them leaving the room and they felt the same way. I do a massage as well while they are masking and they love it. You plan on keeping these clients right? Gotta make them feel special.=)

Thanks Victoria!  Appreciate the feedback.  Seems either way is acceptable and it's just what clients learn to expect I guess. 

I agree.  As a licensed  professional you should never leave the client in the treatment room alone.  During the allocated masking time the client should continue to be pampered by a scalp, hand, arm, or foot massage.

Danielle Owen


Thanks everyone for the feedback.  I'm sorry this seemingly got a little out of control.  I love hearing how others do things, and it's finding our own little niche that makes us all the best we can be! 

Just read this article and thought i would share it

Great article Summer!  Although I do have a question for everyone that does a lot of massage during their facial, what is the industry standard for the calf and foot massage?  Do most do it?  I was never told in school that this was part of the facial, although I have had it done once, but that facial experience was overall awful so maybe thats why it didn't stand out to me.  I am not much of a foot person, but I do wear gloves so it's not out of the question. 

Also, for those of you that do the massage portion, do any of you have any tips or videos or anything on your techniques?  I am getting bored with my routine, although it's always somewhat different, I just feel like I want to know more. 

Great topic Jodi!

Excellent article!   I personally never did foot/calf massage, I stick to the upper half of the body.  If someone would request it, or purchase a foot scrub add on, then I would.  I've only done scalp, face (of course), neck, shoulders,  top of chest and hand/arm.   We were never taught foot/calf in school either.   And I felt exactly like the author when left alone, wanted to take off my eye cover and look around.  I was bored and wanted to leave. 

Boy, I don't quite get why there is so much drama. I agree, Kimberly, just for the record. Being right is more important to some people than logic. i leave the room and my clients love me. Do you know why? Because I do a great job and turn back the clock for them. I am effective and that's the bottom line.

I never leave clients alone in the room during masking because I'd never want to jeopardize my practice. I've known too many skin therapists who experienced legal & financial nightmares because a client had a product reaction or was injured when left alone during steaming or masking. I feel it is my responsibility to monitor every stage of my clients' treatment and ensure their safety.
I always offer my clients additional massage (neck & shoulder, hand, scalp and sometimes foot) during the mask phase and most love the extra attention. If they prefer to rest, I apply an eye pillow and let them enjoy the music while I quietly prepare the next step of their treatment or complete their chart & product recommendation card.


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