I just got inspected here in Southern CA (north san diego county).  First time ever being inspected, too.

I was so nervous!

Only thing I got cited on... my LED equipment!

I know, some of you would think I probably should have taken it out of the room due to all the CA state board LED angst... but I have treatments sold that include LED and I honestly thought it was something 'under review' not BANNED equipment!

The inspector (who was very nice) said its because the LED has 'laser lights' in it that can harm the skin.  :/  (!!)

Everything else was fine, no other violations which I am both glad and surprised for (it was my first time, so I thought for sure I had missed something!).

Just an FYI for all you CA Estys... they are looking for LED (mine was just the hand held ones from Lightstim, btw, not a big, noticable machine).

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Thank you for the heads up! I am also in North County SD. Did they give you a fine, or just a warning?

Not sure.  It was written on the inspection sheet, but there was no dollar amount.  It seems like the inspection sheet goes to the Board and the Board determines disciplinary action (fines, etc) and sends it back to you...?

It was my first time, so I'm not sure.  I should have asked for more info, but I was glad to get her out of there (and I had a client waiting)

Thank you for the heads up Nicole. I'm in Northern CA and have a big machine I can't really hide!  If they were going to fine you it should have been on the inspection sheet that there was a fine.  I think your just suppose to sign something else that says you have completed with the removal of whatever it is they don't want you to have. If you haven't already seen the petition for LED go to www.change.org and type in "LED California" and sign the petition.  There is also a meeting in So Cal next in 2 weeks on a Monday.  If you can go and support to movement of it not being banned that is always great as well! 

I agree with Tiffany, please sign the petition and pass it along.

I don't live in CA, but I did sign this petition, that is absolutely ridiculous! How can they ban something based on FALSE information!? Wow. I hope this seriously gets resolved, and I hope New York doesn't start banning it, I love LED light therapy, I have the hand held as well; and I'm a huge fan of LED just because it doesn't require any healing or possible down town or possible serious risks...like a laser. I wonder who exactly even came up with this lets just ban led light therapy idea.

I just read this article, found it interesting in the argument for LED.  Sad that your inspector doesn't know the difference between LED and Lasers....


When this therapy reached the U.S. and Canada, both lasers and light-emitting diodes at 660 nanometers were being used. The LED diffuses; the single frequency laser does not. With this diffusion, the cell can actually be in control of the treatment and shut off the molecules when it was done. But with the laser, the cells are no longer in control; the doctor or the practitioner applying the laser is in control. If he does it too long or with too much strength, you would not only heal the tissue, but you would start a deterioration again. So basically, the use of light-emitting diodes eliminated the draw back of lasers, and light could be applied into such sensitive areas as the eyes and around the face. LEDs allowed this whole area to blossom into a much larger usage by average people in their homes. Tiina Karu, Ph.D. of the Laser Technology Center in Russia, and affiliated with the University of California at Berkely, probably the top researcher in the world on the use of lasers and light emitting diodes published a study in Health and Physics Digest called "Photobiological Effects of Lasers" which discusses photobiological stimulation without laser light. The article explains that you can do laser treatment without using laser light, by using light emitting diodes which are much safer. Since the cells are basically in control of the process, there is no way to overuse light. 


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