I am interested in adding a LED light therapy attachment to my microdermabrasion machine.  I am not familiar with LED.  I would LOVE to learn it.  Before I put the money down though, I'm wondering if it is worth the investment??  Also, how would I incorporate it into my services price wise?  Any suggestions??  Would this be a good idea before I spend the money?

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Hi Yana...I was selling Luminox but they dos not have any more units available. They are in the process of making a new model but it's been taking a long time...not sure if it will ever actually happen unfortunately. I own two of them and love them!!

Hi Shelley, I just bought used Luminox. Unfortunately it doesn't have a manual and the company I guess is closed down. Do you have any ideas where to find the manual? Also looking for good protective goggles. Do you sell them?

I'll check in with the owner, I'm still in contact with him, and see if I can get you a manual. Email me directly so I have your contact info. contactme@shelleyhancock.com

Shelly, does that LED mask you show on your website have or come in blue light for acne or just the red?  Looks interesting and does beat my hand held.

Shiela...I'm so excited because they've sent me one that does both blue and red to check out. It should be here any day. Watch for it on my website. I'll also psot details here.

That's so awesome!  I can't wait to hear about it!  In your opinion, are alll the other colors really necessary?  I could see a green for calming purposes or redness I guess.  I was so excited bc mine had a zillion colors, but really I don't use them all. 

The first panel I purchased years ago had red, blue, green and yellow. I never really saw any big difference with the green and the yellow. My Luminox has only red and blue. At first I thought I would miss the other colors but I realized it was really about just looking cool for having more colors...not that they were really doing anything. I can achieve results with any skin condition using red and blue (or red/blue together). 

Shelley, did you like your blue and red LED mask?

It works really well!! Great starter unit until your budget is ready for the celluma panel! I have estys that are renting the masks to their clients in between treatments. The mask is on sale right now on my website!!

Thanks Shelley! I will look at that right now :)

You can go full face from 2000 to 6000, depending on various companies, or you could go hand-held for quite a bit less.
they are great, and easy to add to whatever protocol you have established. The results are great for everything from age-management, to anti-irritation, to acne.
If you would like verbal discussion on this, I would be happy to give you my input, as I have trained over 300 offices on these devices. You can reach me by sending me your email address on our website of www.restorationswellness.com
I hope I can help

Just read you are going with a hand-held, and I have a good friend making a new red/blue handheld that can be fitted later as a full face. Pretty amazing....
Please contact me for details.

LED is great - Pioneered by NASA, proven science.  For some good background information about how it works, things to look for (and be careful of) can be found here... http://www.dermawave.com/articles.htm


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