I am interested in adding a LED light therapy attachment to my microdermabrasion machine.  I am not familiar with LED.  I would LOVE to learn it.  Before I put the money down though, I'm wondering if it is worth the investment??  Also, how would I incorporate it into my services price wise?  Any suggestions??  Would this be a good idea before I spend the money?

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LED is well worth the investment!!! I use it with every treatment I do. I started with handhelds (the Revitalight) back in 2004. I have now had a full face panel for years and wouldn't be without it.

When someone comes in to just lay under the panel (I cleanse them and sunscreen only) we charge $40. I have quite a few clients that do that on a regular basis. Then everyone gets 15 minutes under the panel with whichever treatment they are doing. I don't add any extra because I've already incorporated the price for the LED into the full treatment price.


Let me know if I can help in any other way....Shelley



What is the price point for the LED panel you use?

Thank-you for the info!  I am going to get them now.  Financially, for right now, I'm going to start off with the hand held. Any suggestions on how much to add on to facial price for the handhelds? 

I have a hand held that is part of my microderm machine.  The handheld is great, but keep in mind having to sit there holding it to the clients face, different areas, for however long, the hand does get kinda tired.  I was trying to think of something I could make to sit it in but havent come up with anything.  There is a LED mask on Shelly's page that looks interesting, maybe take a look at that.  Not sure if it has different colors but could be a good start. 

Hi Shelley, How do we know the difference in power? I talked with Genesis bio systems who said the power behind the wavelengths was stronger than most.  I just don't understand why their is so much difference from brand to brand.  The wavelengths are the wavelengths. so what makes the companies so different ????

Thanks a bunsh!

Here's the one I use: http://www.shelleyhancock.com/luminoxledlight.html It's discounted right now to $4500 from $6995. I have two of them...that's how much I love it!!


I had another one before this that was good but nothing compared to this one. So be careful when shopping...not all LED's are created equal!

Hi Shelley,

Do you know anyone selling a used Luminox?

No, sorry!

I'm now selling my two Luminox units! I found another LED company to work with so I no longer need the two Luminox units that I have. Contact me if you are still interested!

hi shelley do you have a current recommendation on led lights units to purchase that you prefer at this point? You have tried a couple of kinds already? any input is great.

The Celluma is the hot LED item right now. I'm loving it and have not turned on my big face panel since I purchased my Celluma. Make sure to read the feedback toward the bottom of the page from Estys who have purchased!! http://www.shelleyhancock.com/celluma.html

Can you please point me to a supplier that I can purchase the equipment from, I am interested in Luminox LT110. Thank you.


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