Legislative Alert - Oregon to Discuss Esthetician Scope of Practice

Passing the following around for all Oregon esties who want to have a say in their SOP and business.... Thank you to Sandee for the calls she's making tonight and informing us!





Esthetician's Scope of Practice Workgroup


Date of Meeting:       Monday, January 28th 


     Time:                     9:00 AM

Place:                     700 Summer Street NE, Suite 320


                  Salem, Oregon

Estheticians need to make a show of licensed professionals there in person or signed up and watching on line so that they know we care and are concerned about this.  We don't want them taking away advanced services because people aren't properly trained instead of requiring more training, said Judy Culp.

You don't need to go there - sign up to watch the meeting online -


What is the purpose of the meeting?

The purpose of the meeting is to conduct regular board business. Please use appropriate language, manners and protocols when conducting board business. A working lunch may be served for board members and designated staff in attendance. A copy of the agenda is printed with this notice. Please visit http://egov.oregon.gov/OHLA/COS/meetings.shtml for current meeting information.

Is the public or licensees allowed to attend the meeting?

Yes. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to be in attendance at all board/council meetings. All public audience members are asked to sign-in on the attendance roster prior to the meeting. Comments may be heard under public comment at the end of the meeting. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairperson prior to commenting.

Is it possible to watch the meeting live on the internet?

Yes. You may access the meeting at https://oregonconnect.ilinc.com/join/zsykyws/zmrfykyk (Link provided is specific to this meeting date) If you need assistance accessing the meeting contact the iLinc Join Help Desk at 1-800-799-4510, and select option "1."

What if the board/council enters intoexecutive session?

Prior to entering into executive session the board/council chairperson will announce the nature of and the authority for holding executive session, at which time all audience members are asked to leave the room with the exception of news media and designated staff. Executive session would be held according to ORS 192.660.

No final actions or final decisions will be made in executive session. The board/council will return to open session before taking any final action or making any final decisions.

Who do I contact if I have questions or need special accommodations?

The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. For questions or requests contact a board specialist at (503) 373-2049.

Respectfully submitted by:

Judith Culp
CEO EstheticsNW
81 Centennial Loop, Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
Office:  541-344-7789
Fax:     541-342-8491


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I have my license in Oregon and Washington but own my business in Washington due to the fact that Oregon already has very tight laws for estheticians. Do you know what they are trying to change now as far as scope of practice?

Hi Amber,

I am your past chairman for the Oregon Board. Since legislation was past to recognize a second level the scope of practice issue has been an on going topic .  There are so many new services  and treatments the scope needs to be looked at.  You can't comment during the meetings but you can write a letter or ask to speak during the public comment time.  Everyone needs to be part of the process.  I want to practice at the highest level possible.  We do need to define the educational requirements for advanced services.   Washington's scope is more restrictive than Oregon.  In Oregon as part of  Facial technology you can do laser and Ipl.  Of course  with proper education and  that the service is  in the scope of esthetics. And you don't have to be  under a physicians direction.  You can't in Washington.  




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