I just moved into a larger office and set up a second treatment room.  I need a hot towel cabinet and was wondering if anyone has one for sale or if you have a recommendation for what brand is the best to buy.  Thanks

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Hi Lori....this is not exactly a cabinet per se....but after meeting this company last year and seeing their product, i have fallen in love!   Take a look at this and see if it is something you might like.  Seriously, the amount of people that have bought this after me recommending it to them, i should be on commission!! lol

This company are from England but now also manufacturer in the U.S and ship from the U.S.    If it's not what you are looking for no worries...http://www.beautypro.us.com/Default.asp

Thanks Claire, I checked it out and it does seem like a good concept.  Do you have to use the special towels in it? 

Hmm, i am not sure to be honest.  I am sure any towel that is the same size as their's will work.  But i don't know for definite.

Hi Ally,

What are you asking for it?

Thanks, Lori


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