How do you do this?  I am tired of working only part time in skin care, and working a full time job, that while I'm lucky and it's a great job, it's not what I want to do.   How do you pay the bills when you only get paid when busy?  How do you get through the slow periods (for me, most of summer is horrible).  Only thing I can figure is this year I will have more money to put away, so I figure I can build up a savings to fall back on, and hope I get busy enough to make ends meeet when that runs out.  I'm getting really discouraged.  It's been almost 3 years since I got my license and no one pays a base salary + commission to make working full time possible.  And I am not in a position to open my own place financially at this point.  I'm just not sure if I will ever be able to do just skin care as my career. 

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What I have had to do for most of my career is to hold multiple jobs. But I also hold two licenses  - much more earning potential there. If you like massage, nails, or hair, consider going back to school.

Fortunately I have been able to do bring in enough income without taking a job out of the industry. But often that has come with a price - like having to work or be on call 7 days a week.

If you notice, a lot of people who are in the business (even those who have their own business!) are married so have another income earner in the family.

If you do not have a safety net (another income, a free place to live, etc), then you need to create your own safety net...

Put every penny away into savings so that you have enough for several months - probably at least six.

Do reconsider going out on your own - especially if you have good skills. Sometimes you can find a place to rent that is not too much.

If you have a mortgage you can start paying ahead by a few days every month, and eventually end up with a good buffer there too.

Or you can throw caution to the wind, quit your day job and PRAY a lot!

Thanks for that clarification on booth rental.  I'm going to read through all the stuff you've sent me, I really appreciate it!

When I first heard about this place I'm at now (since they opened over 6 years ago), I said there was no way I could do it, just so afraid I couldn't make rent/and other expenses. But with a leap of faith I decided to try! I think the key for me, was knowing I had a little savings to help me thru the hard times. Summer was always slow for me as an MT-lic in Aug 2011 as esty and this past summer was slow for massage and facials however, I did begin to pick up a fair amount of regular clients for waxing (which is really what I went to school for), now besides waxing, I am leaning to Acne Tx's with my cert. thru Face Reality Acne Clinic. Have been very fortunate, the last non-related job was during massage school 13 years ago. I have done what I needed to do and at times, worked at 5 different places as IC-just trying to get 20 massages a week. I had to highlight my appt. book with all different colors, so I wouldn't go to the wrong place, until I worked down to working out of my house and 1 other place! Then I moved here and started all over again! Being older, my children are all grown, I have no debt, very old car, and live pretty simply, but I'm doing what I love! Don't give up! I'm relistening to "The Secret" maybe it'll sink in, if I listen often enough! It is hard and discouraging but so worthwhile!


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