An interesting thing happened to me yesterday that got the wheels working in my brain and I believe it's a great marketing idea that we should try with our skin care clients.


Here's the full story: Let me know what you think!


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Love it! I'm so bad at marketing, only this past year or so did I even collect email addresses, and haven't yet used them!


Love it! 

This is a great idea Shelley! Thanks for sharing! I plan to add the idea in my marketing folder, and as by business grows, I will try it.

Great idea Shelley! Thanks for sharing


I've been collecting email addresses since day one but just need to figure out a plan of action. Do you use Constant Contact or any other service similar?




Yes, constant contact and it's worked really well for me. We have a place on our consent form asking if they'd like to stay updated on the latest and if so, write in their email address. This way it gives them the option or not. Most people fill it out.

Really great posting!! I can't wait to try it out! 

This is great!


This is great!

That's funny that you did this because California Pizza Kitchen does something similar and when I got it from them, I thought it would be a good idea to use it for me. Luckily I have been really good about collecting emails since the beginning. I haven't tried this yet but maybe I will now. Thanks for sharing!

Shelley, this is a great idea! Just as it happened to you, once you were in the door, you ended up spending a LOT more than what the coupon was worth. I hope this works for all your clients! 

So, tomorrow is the first day that the clients can come see what they've won. I've been receiving emails telling me they are excited to stop by! I sent out a reminder email this morning and already got feedback from a few that they'll be stopping by. I think I may be onto something here! I made up a bunch of little cards with 10% off, 20% off and one $200 toward service. They'll get to pick one out of a cute container. I'll keep you updated on how many people stop by!!

What a great idea... i get them as well and never thought of using it here at the spa.  Since we are planning our move this fall we will combine it with our Grand Opening.  Shelley... you are the best.  Thanks for looking out for us.


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