How does everyone handle their marketing? Like- specials, etc. Do you plan them out a year in advance? Make them up as you go along (my current, rather stressful practice!!)?

Do you base them on holidays? time of year? seasons, etc... on a whim??

I'd love to hear how everyone handles specials! I don't want to overdo them- but I do think we need them to spur business.


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I keep a marketing notebook for all of my crazy promotion ideas. :)

I think it's a good idea to plan ahead - I base many of my ideas on seasonal or holiday themes.

But since I am contiually on the lookout for products or treatments that I can incorporate into my own practice, I avoid getting too attached to anything.  Some of my best promotions have been spur of the moment.

I do at least ONE promotion every month. That might be too much for some people.

I think you should go with the frequency that works the best for you.

I firmly believe that regular promotions keep my website and facebook page interesting and give people a reason to visit and to open any newsletters that we send.

Great thanks Cindy!

What do you think of this idea: a progressive discount program for facials. I'm thinking 5% off the first one- then if they book within 60 days for the next one, 10%, 3rd 15%, 4th 20%, 5th 25%, 6th 30%, 7th 35%, 8th 40%, 9th 45%, 10th 50%.  All must be within 60 days otherwise they start over.

And after the 10th, they start over.

What do you think???

That is a wild idea! I haven't seen anything like that before.

I think I might have it less than the 60 days though - maybe 35 so you can get them in for all 10 facials in the one year.

You might want to consider giving them a choice between the discount or a "free" product (of equal or less value). That way, if they chose product you would make a little more and get them using it. 

You can come up with a fancy name like... VIP Facial Program

Do the numbers and see if it looks good to you.

LOL! I LOVE that if they miss ONE they have to start over!

Hi Gina

I think promotions have to be clear and uncomplicated.   Make it easy for you to keep track as well. It sounds like you are doing very well and are very busy!! That's great!!  Although your idea is very inventive it's seems as though it would take alot of record keeping on your part.  Or maybe I just don't understand your idea! LOL!  Gina, you have great posts with so many great questions.


I don't do monthly specials but try to keep them related to seasons and holidays.  During Christmas I offered "Purchase a gift certificate for $95 or more and receive a free 30 minute facial that you can gift or keep". 


This month since it's now spring I offered 20% new client discount (usually 10%) on my Facebook page.  My theme was "spring cleaning" give attention to those pores, don't worry so much about your floors" something to that affect.  I have almost 100 likes with many local so I'm trying to capture those potential clients.  I don't know about you but my April has been horrible with many cancellations and reschedules.  My Jan-March was the best three months straight ever.

I think that preplanning and keeping a notebook (great idea Cindy) is the best way to plan for the year ahead. 


My referral program is easy.  Refer 3 clients and receive a free 1 hour facial or PCA peel.  Most opt for the peel which I prefer because it takes less time.  This has really helped me build clientele. It may be more than most do out there but the way I see it is those 3 clients generate a lot of income and future referrals.  They love this program and can't wait to tell their friends about it.



After some delays I am just about to open my treatment room!  One special that I came up with is...

Extended Results Offer

Because home care is so important...20% of every facial treatment may be applied toward our wonderful home care products. (Offer applies to regularly priced tx and products, etc...)  

Thought it could get folks into the home care aspect of fabulous skin.  I shall let you know how it goes!

And Gina, I am with Denise - I love the way you think of great ideas and questions!  Keep 'em coming :)

Great idea Abigail!

What great ideas ladies!! you've got my brain spinning!!! Loving the spa party idea, Abigail! Yes, Denise, you are SO right- keep it simple!! I tend to over-complicate things.... :-P

Thank you- I just like to ask questions!! haha

I just started out so I have been making up specials as I go.  I was running a 1 hour facial for $49 and got really great response from that so I ran it again the next month.  Also you could run a sunrise special, appts booked before 12 are X price (discounted of course).

For May, I am teaming up with the center that I work with and doing group packages for mothers day.

Also, it is teacher appreciation week coming up so I am thinking about running a book before Aug 31st and receive (buy one get one half off treatments, or take $25 off facial appointment)

Also for the summer I want to push my spray tanning to encourage people to stay out of the sun (I am in Florida :-/ so I was thinking either buy one get one free, or to encourage more people maybe buy one get one half off for a friend) something along those lines.  I thought the buy one get one for a friend was a great idea bc they could split the treatment and then you just had 2 new clients. 

After the summer I will probably run a peel promotion (right now I do buy 3 get $25 off buy 6 get $50 off, same goes for micro facials as well). 

Keep us posted on what you decide to do!!

Some good ideas Leah!

For a smaller practice or solo - I would lean towards a product of the week rather than service of the week.

And for the Gift certificate sales holidays - I don't usually discount but I definitely come up with a specially packaged or added value service.  It can drive the average ticket price up.

I don't know too many vendors that do monthly promotions anymore (or at least any that smaller businesses can take advantage of).


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