Is it necessary to have MSDS for skin care produtcts, especially when they are organic? I understand I absolutely need them for Barbicide etc. but I didn't know if I need them for the products. The last place I worked, the owner took care of all of that, but now I am doing my own business under the umbrella of another spa.

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 I sort of thought that there was an exception related to standard packaged skincare products, but I could be wrong.  Love to hear what others have learned on this.

**In my imagination or distant memory or whatever, this has to do with the fact that products are subject to FDA ingredient labeling requirements.  This would mean that we wouldn't need them for regular products, but might need them for peels and professional-use-only products that don't require a full FDA ingredient label.**

Thank you.

Here in TX your supposed to have them for any product you use. I don't know if you have to physically have them as long as you have access to them either on your computer or a phone call to company providing products.  All companies are happy to provide them.

A couple of years ago while in school we did comp mini facials and one lady had a bad breakout -we provided the sheets on the products so she could take them to a derm. to see if something stood out.

I am glad this was asked.  I was just about to ask the same.

Not sure, but it would sure be a hassle to have to have MSDS on all products being used!

Are 'white papers' or ingredient lists enough?

Would love more info/thoughts on this (especially in CA)

I honestly think they would be required anywhere, where there is licensing.  Not sure what you mean by "white papers" but an ingredient list isn't equal to an MSDS.

When I spoke to the skin care line I use they told me they would get me the MSDS sheets, but the manual labels each product with all the ingredients and percentages. It felt like it was a difficult task for them to get me every single piece of information on the products. I am not sure if it is best to use the manual which does outline all ingredients, and/or request a MSDS for every single product. These are all natural products.

I thought MSDS was more for products with chemicals like Barbicide. But I am not 100% sure what the law requires.


Simple solution.  Have your skin care lines email you the PDF of their entire line and all MSDS sheets.  It is a very easy thing and all skin care mfgr have them on each and everyone of their products.  IF they don't you should question the line...


Thank you.


Ahem, as a cosmetology instructor, I'll give you the skinny on MSDS. (There will be a test on Friday!)

MSDS sheets are required for all items used in the salon, including your windex and cleaning products. It's not the FDA, it's an OSHA requirement, and it's a federal regulation. Just like Deborah related earlier (about the mini facials in school) you need to be able to provide an MSDS sheet to the first responders, firefighters, or to the client or employee to take to the ER or to their doctor. And it HAS to be in the official format -- yes all that yakkety yak information is required.

Having said that, they allow you to keep these on a disc or on your computer rather than in a hardcopy. However if your computer goes down and a client gets a peel in her eye...well, that would suck. AND if an employee gets injured by a product and files a workers comp claim, your salon might endure a visit by OSHA.  That really sucks! Because though OSHA rules were developed for factories and hazardous work sites (to protect workers), they "invade" your salon and fine you for things you've never heard of and NEVER GO AWAY. 

(They came to the salon I worked at after a fellow employee filed workers comp for what turned out to be NOT related to the salon. But they inspected us and fined us for having the peroxide on a shelf below the tint, among other things. Most of which were not addressed in our State Law at all. And they required us to have a monthly safety committee meeting (for a 7 member salon) with minutes and everything. And they returned EVERY year.)

Lastly, ALL manufacturers are REQUIRED to provide MSDS sheets (or discs or access on their website) for ALL products they sell. So anyone being lazy about giving them to you about every product you are buying from them is just that -- laziness.

And the final lastly, even organic, all-natural products need MSDS sheets. All ingredients, even organic ones, are basically chemicals. Water is a chemical. Olive oil is a chemical. Its just a "greener" one. And they all should have MSDS sheets.

Ok class. Have a terrific rest of your week!

It is interesting because the OSHA website says this "OSHA does not require nor encourage employers to maintain MSDSs for non-hazardous chemicals. Consequently, an employer is free to discard MSDSs for
non-hazardous chemicals."

I would understand why most cosmetology products require an MSDS sheet, but it seems that organic skin care products don't need them according to the above quote from OSHA. OSHA was designed to product employees from potentially hazardous materials (that were proven to be toxic or have carcinogens in them).

After reading the above, it seems like it is sufficient to maintain MSDS on hazardous products only and ingredients lists for actual skin care products. I respectfully disagree with "olive oil" & "water" as being a chemical--they could have gone through a chemical process to change it, but I doubt it would be anything of consequence that would harm anyone. If that is the case, we need to ban olive oil for cooking.


See attached.

These are...Stupid, Stupid, Stupid Forest Gump! :))

What would you ever do with this BUT if you have to have it, it should be this easy to get from any mfgr. I don't even know what I would do with this other then file it.  But the acids are at least a little more involved but a cream or lotion??




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