
I have a client that has melasma and hyperpigmentation, she is coming to me for treatment tomorrow. Since I am newer in the field, I would like to know what you all have had better luck with, microderm or peels for this type of condition.

Thank you,


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Peels that you have been trained on.  Melasma is not really a "beginner's" best thing to deal with.  No reflection on you, but my first question would be to ask what peels you have been trained (and can do legally in your state)on.  Micro will only exfoliate the skin to allow topical lightening agents work a little better. 


Give us a little more information like what product line you are using, etc...



Hi Nondy~


I am using Control Corrective Glycolic and their Tea Tree Lactic Peel. I started with lighter peels till I get more experience. I am chemical peel certified and have been trained on these as well as stronger peels like Jessners, but have chosen not to use those right now.


Thanks for your input.

My best advice would be for you to call Control Correctives, and get their best skin brightening protocol, and hope you have the stuff on hand to do the tretment assuming the patient is ready to move forward.  Have you had her on any pre-peel products?  If not, you may want to hold off on the peel itself until she has been on pre-peel products for a few weeks...  Again, Control Correctives would be your best source of information to help your client.  Congratulationson getting peels-certified!  Keep up with great education!


Also make sure your insurance covers any peels/machine you are using, and you are working within your states rules and regs...



Thank you for all your advice, I will give them a call in the morning. I do not have her on any pre-peel products, so you are right I will give them a call and see what their suggestions are.

I do not know Control Correctives, but I use Image Skin Care & they have a series of great peels that are in an aloe vera base, so they are not as irritating on the skin.  I would highly recommend their kojic peel which is specifically made for hyperpigmentation.  It works best in a series of 6, starting with leaving the solution on 2 minutes & working up to 10.  You can check out www.imageskincare.com  for more info.  Good luck!




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