I put together a monthly VIP Skin Care membership just recently, but after getting some client feedback, I think I may want to adjust it some.

Currently I have it at $xx /month and receive 1 of 4 TXs (or upgrade to something else for $xx). However, more than a few clients have said 1 of 2 things: a) monthly auto-debit is a turn off; or b) they want more flexibility in the timing of their treatments because they don't want to 'lose out' if they aren't able to do a service every 4 weeks.

I see the point. Truthfully, I don't like to sign up for auto-debit *anything*. Also, many clients don't have time for treatments every month- some come in every 6 or 8 weeks.

So I started thinking about what was the purpose of the membership and here's what I came up with:

1) Give clients a place they *belong to*. I know I'm more apt to go somewhere I know and am known at. The little card/keychain card/monthly VIP-only newsletter tell me I belong somewhere.

2) Give regulars specials and discounts. Quite a few of my regulars originated from Groupon or came at an introductory discount... and that's how their minds work. If there's a deal to be had, they want it and appreciate it and feel special to be getting it (in general).

3) I want clients to come in regularly. Whether regularly means once a quarter as skin maintenance, or monthly, or just at their birthday and anniversary.

With that in mind, I was thinking about

a) adding another level to my monthly auto debit membership that allows clients to be auto debited for 6 months (6 treatments) that they can use anytime over 12 months. Currently I have a 12 month (12 tx) plan


b) scrapping the whole auto debit membership and going with a yearly membership (ie $99/year) where they get 'special member pricing' and retail discounts.

So, any thoughts from you other Estys? Are we just too into 'catering' for the deal seekers these days, or is there a place for Memberships?

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I've been asked to do this. but I don't. I offer buy 3 services get 10% or buy 5 get 6th free-about 20% discount! anything else for me is just more paperwork and I do enough already. Just my opinion.


i worker briefly at a large massage chain doing facials, that used a membersip model.  i felt it took away from client care, and started to tip over the edge of aggressive sales tactics.  focusing on word play and manipulation.  this isnt to say your model is anything like that.  i saw more then a few walk ins leave with out appointments after pitching membership.  on the other hand it is a very successful franchise, so obviously it works.  i had a hard time with the model once i saw it up and running.  it sounded good during employmrnt trainjng.  once we opened, it made a therputic experience, like facial and massage, feel more like a commadie.  it prompted me to research customrr reviews, and i was shovked.  whole websites dedicated specificcaly bad experiences w ith the model.  i can see it easily turning in to a quantity over quality situtation.  just my thoughts after my experience.  km sure there is a aay to make it work, and work successfully.  good luck

I think that both of your ideas could work. Just give it some thought and go with what feels right.

I hate to say it...but I am one of those people that doesn't like the membership model at all.  I don't feel like the franchise "spas" offer a very good product, either in service or in personnel.

I do not want to be associated or confused with that type of place, and I will go to any means possible to set myself apart. So I do offer a monthly promotion which many of my clients will take advantage of and I will offer a discount for a prepaid series.

I work for a privately owned spa that started doing this last year and we've had a good reaction to it.  We put into our terms that if someone can't come in one month, they can roll over to the next month and we have people who will then come in and get a facial and massage the same day using the previous month.  The only resistance I've had to it are people who are unsure of the economy/job status and don't want to be locked in for a year.  The discount is $10/month less than normal prices, plus discounts on upgrades and products.   I like your idea of the lump sum for a year, then they just get special pricing/etc.  I just think some clients don't like that it's for a year.  I think it reminds them of the gym, when they see those payments coming out and they aren't using it anymore. 


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