Hi all! I just found out that my 33-year-old brow wax client has a history of cervical cancer about 4 years ago. At the time of her treatment, a hysterectomy was recommended, however she was not willing to give up her chances at motherhood. Now that she is (happily) pregnant, she is being asked to consider a complete hysterectomy once she has all the children she wants. We all (skin people) take it for granted that the loss of the body's estrogen through menopause, hysterectomy, or ovary shutdown takes an enormous toll on the skin's health and youthfulness, but she actually seemed quite surprised when I mentioned the correlation. Who knows what else her doctor might not have mentioned?! Of course since the goal is to remove the estrogen from her system, she won't be permitted to do any hormone replacement, either.

I'd really like to write a blog post for her and any of my future clients facing this decision, both about the physiological impact, and about how to best prepare the skin and do everything we can to avoid the sudden rush of collagen loss, etc.

I would so greatly appreciate any links that you smart estheticians might have to scientific sources that discuss the impact and recommendations for minimizing the effects on the skin.

Thanks in advance!

Tags: estrogen, hormone, hysterectomy, menopause, replacement

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