Hey out there! I received a c all from a client I had done micro on, she says that now there are small cat-like scratches on her face. I have been doing microderm for a little over 3 years now and not had this happen to any of my clients... I know it can occur when too much pressure is applied or if the wrong type of tip is used and I can accept it if I somehow misjudged which tip to use but basically what I need help with is making her happy now and of course making sure her skin heals properly. I pulled her chart again to make sure I didn't miss something  and everything checks out. She will be coming in tomorrow and I am planning on doing a gentle soothing mask just to pump some extra vitamins and moisture into the skin... any suggestions would help or stories of similar occurrences, I am horrified and just hope to make her happy... she is also getting a refund :)

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Make sure and ask what products she has used at home. If she went home and used an exfoliation product she could have cause the scratches then, This is just a thought.
I will def ... thanks for your response!
In my experience, the client just wants to know that you care and that they're being taken care of. My guess is that when you see her today, it's not going to look as bad as she made it out to be over the phone. You are doing all the right things....giving her a hydrating, soothing treatment today. You may even offer to have her come back on Friday to take another look. Unless she specifically asks for a refund or you've already told her over the phone that you'll refund her, I wouldn't go that far. Play it by ear. That's not really what they're looking for, just your attention to the matter. This may sound weird but...sometimes this type of thing can bring you and a client even closer when you show them how much you care. Keep us posted!
thank you so much she should be here shortly so we will see how it goes!


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