Anyone else SICK AND TIRED of setting up at an event where there are millions of MLM skin care and cosmetic companies?  Sorry, had to vent about this.  At my recent event, there was a NuSkin and Mary Kay consultant.  The NuSkin woman came by my table and says what do you have?  I said I am a skin care spa blah blah.  She goes oh I can't be by you.  The the Mary Kay lady asked the same thing and her response was the same.  I said well I actually do facials not just sell product...she goes, yeah so do I.  WHAT? 

What bothers me is people who are not trained properly can consult people and tell them what products are best for their skin and they can apply product and do treatments as well. An arbonne rep told me once that hormonal acne can be treated with their products.  Really?  and all this time I thought you had to get the hormones under control to truly treat it.  Am I wrong? 

Makes me so angry!  Thanks for letting me vent.

Does anyone else feel aggravated?  If I hear, no this company is back by SCIENCE, one more time, I feel like screaming.  

Are any of the MLM companies good products????   

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I developed a tri-fold brochure to give out to clients with a list of ingredients I recommend they avoid and why.  Information is the key.  

I'd simply tell those MLM people, when they stop by, "I'm a licensed esthetician, so I use and resell only professional products.  Would you like a brochure on what ingredients most people should avoid?"

That sounds great Susan!  Would you be willing to share the brochure or do you have it in PDF format?   I also love your response too about only selling professional products. 

Hi Susan, will you please send me a copy of your Brochure too?! Thanks.

Love it!

Hi Susan-

Would you please send me a copy of your brochure?  That sounds very helpful.  Thank-you so much!  Where are you located? 

Danna @ Skin Care by Danna

Susan, I'd love a copy too. Can you email it? I can send my email if necessary. Thanks!

Susan, I appreciate if you can share your brochure with me, let me know if you need my email address or maybe you can post the list here for us! Thank you.

Susan, I would love a pdf of this brochure! Please let me know if my personal email is needed.


I don't like NuSkin for that purpose either but I do find that their portable galvanic is great for actual spa treatments. I signed up under a friend just to buy it at the discounted price. I also find that some of my high end clients want to buy it to have at home. You can bring in almost $75 a pop in commission, but I don't have the energy to sell it the way the reps want you to sell it. That is too much energy for me to put in since I have other goals in my career. I had a problem with a Rodan and Feilds rep who thought I had nothing else to do but sell her product. I cut ties with her real quick. But like I said don't knock NuSkin, their products can be super useful in the treatment room. I would use them as a resource nothing more  :)

I am glad that you have seen results from their product.  I saw that she did half of a woman's face with the galvanic wand but I personally didn't see a difference.  I just dont like the pushiness or them.  I was hit up by a Rodan and Fields too. 

I've been approached by a Rodan & Field's rep as well.  I simply told her it was a conflict of interest since I work in a spa and use & sell professional products.  She understood and has since backed off.  I would love to know why dermatologists like Rodan & Fields would sell their products the way they do, rather than market them to us for professional treatments.  I guess the MLM models allows quicker money making.  I haven't researched their products to see what's in them, but I've been told by numerous clients their Proactiv does not work.  Not sure about their new anti-aging line. 

Hi Sheila

I hear you!!!

@ Susan-love your idea of a brochure! I'm going to start drafting one now!

I just posted a discussion on joining a network group with  a Mary Kay consultant...If you would give me some feedback I would greatly appreciate it.!


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