Anyone else SICK AND TIRED of setting up at an event where there are millions of MLM skin care and cosmetic companies?  Sorry, had to vent about this.  At my recent event, there was a NuSkin and Mary Kay consultant.  The NuSkin woman came by my table and says what do you have?  I said I am a skin care spa blah blah.  She goes oh I can't be by you.  The the Mary Kay lady asked the same thing and her response was the same.  I said well I actually do facials not just sell product...she goes, yeah so do I.  WHAT? 

What bothers me is people who are not trained properly can consult people and tell them what products are best for their skin and they can apply product and do treatments as well. An arbonne rep told me once that hormonal acne can be treated with their products.  Really?  and all this time I thought you had to get the hormones under control to truly treat it.  Am I wrong? 

Makes me so angry!  Thanks for letting me vent.

Does anyone else feel aggravated?  If I hear, no this company is back by SCIENCE, one more time, I feel like screaming.  

Are any of the MLM companies good products????   

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IMO - MLM products are never, never, never as good as the claims.

MLM is about marketing NOT about product.

The sellers (not MK) are told to go after estheticians to make tons of money.

The MK ladies advertise ALL the time about their free "facials". :)

The sellers learn a script.  None of them know anything about their supposed "science" or ingredients.

Just ask a R+F seller about the hydroquinone in one of their products.

Cindy I agree with you! I was told by my instructor at school, that Professional skin care products that is used by Professionals and only available by Professionals contains a High Grade or Quaility of ingredients.  We have Professional back Bar products that even though we use them on our clients, clients are not able to buy that strengh of product. We do offer a home regimen that compliments the back bar professional products. But even then our home care products are not available until a licensed professional has taken a very very close look at the clients skin and determined what is really going on with the skin. That is soooo much different than these MLM and what they offer.

ok so Mary Kay is not a MLM company. and not for nothing but the products that they have are great. great looking skin does not have to mean sucker women into putting acid on thier faces. yes it does speed up cell renewal but it also makes you age faster as well...but i guess thats why we do it keeps them comming back for more..

Please educate me on how AHA'S and BHA's or "acid" makes you age faster?

Robin, don't you know?  AHA/BHAs accelerate time.  LOL.

If you are a licensed skin care professional and sell Mary Kay and stand by the product, that's great!  My problem is non licensed people selling skin care to people when they really don't know the first thing about skin care aside from what their told by said MLM company.   

IO have never ever "suckered" anyone into doing anything.  I provide a service to women and men...those who what to change the way their skin looks or simply want to be pampered and relax.  I went to school for a year to be able to do this and I am constantly furthering my education to learn about ingredients and treatment protocols.  I don't think people see Estheticians because they feel suckered, if so, they wouldn't be rebooking.  I think suckering someone is when you sell them a product or makeup or whatever it may be and it sits in their drawer for months or years without being touched....thats suckering. 

I was a MK rep before deciding to become a real skin Expert (still a student) but only a few months away to having my license.  It is a MLM company. My upline person wanted to offer, while walking around in department stores, and hand out my MK cards. I was to ask in the nice lady would like a free facial, and to invite her friends and make a party of it. Well I never ever seen anyone get a REAL Facial. I would put product in a small tray, and the NICE Lady, would put it on her OWN face. Mk reps are not suppose to TOUCH a customer.  We ask the customer What "Type of skin they had. We never looked or touched the face.  Now I do not know about others but for me, I felt like I was cheating the Nice Lady to begin with. She wanted a Free FACIAL, not just to try on make up or cleansers. Now I know why I am getting my license. And you should be proud of your licence, and it is good that you are taking a stand as a true professional who has been in school, not just a pink party, to offer clients the real deal!!!!  I will never ever sale a product that can be bought at a party where anyone can become a rep. and anyone can sale it. I want Professional ONLY products. Yes you have to get MK thru a sales rep, but they are not licenced and I do not want to cheat anyone on their facials if I offer them one. Good for you Sheila, Good for you!!!!


Let me add here for you Sheila,  Suckered is when you ask someone if they would like a FREE FACIAL and their Friends can have one too. Then you put a dab of some products in a little tray and tell each lady there, "OK, now on one side of your face, put product 1, then 2, then 3,. and the so called Skin Care sales rep, never once touches their face.. Those ladies just got suckered into a sales party believing that they were going to get a real facial, ( pampered, some steam, a face massage, warm towels etc.), to go along with the products. Not that they had to give themselves the facial, and only on one side at that!!!   It is our duty as (Professionals and we have (and I will have mine soon), a License and Insurance to back us up) to educate the ladies and men at events to what true Professional skin care is about. We do not have to argue with them MLMs, for they know that we know our stuff. And I would hope that our Professionals in Esthetics would all take a stand like you have and not lower our standards (We have State Issued Licenses and that makes us different) by getting involved in MLMs. Yes they can make a quick sale maybe, but we are at a higher level than they are.

I don't think that Nadia is a Licensed Esthetician :(

i am a Licensed Esthetician. Does this mean i should not like MK produts.

Isn't a license a requirement of this board and ASCP coverage? I only wish to have serious conversations with licensed professionals RN's and MD's.

I agree.  I joined so long ago, I don't remember if I had to put my license # in or not.


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