Anyone else SICK AND TIRED of setting up at an event where there are millions of MLM skin care and cosmetic companies?  Sorry, had to vent about this.  At my recent event, there was a NuSkin and Mary Kay consultant.  The NuSkin woman came by my table and says what do you have?  I said I am a skin care spa blah blah.  She goes oh I can't be by you.  The the Mary Kay lady asked the same thing and her response was the same.  I said well I actually do facials not just sell product...she goes, yeah so do I.  WHAT? 

What bothers me is people who are not trained properly can consult people and tell them what products are best for their skin and they can apply product and do treatments as well. An arbonne rep told me once that hormonal acne can be treated with their products.  Really?  and all this time I thought you had to get the hormones under control to truly treat it.  Am I wrong? 

Makes me so angry!  Thanks for letting me vent.

Does anyone else feel aggravated?  If I hear, no this company is back by SCIENCE, one more time, I feel like screaming.  

Are any of the MLM companies good products????   

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I would not use that line, period! If I wanted to sell a MLMs line of products, I would have invested all the thousands of dollars I have spent at school, in more products to sell for my ex MLM. I would be driving a LOANED Caddy, like my ex upline Director Drives. As far a MLMs limit to Esthys only, yea right! The whole reason behind this Marketing model is to get more people selling the products. See mortar and brick have hundreds of products sitting on a shelf for people to buy. The only way to get people in front of their products is to get more people selling their products in a party plan setting.  for  Are those companies going to pay the thousands of dollars it takes us to get through an approved school to become licensed by our STATES, for us to work under them? No I do not think so and that is why the neighbor next door who does not have any background education in products, sales, or skin can join them.  But I chose to be different. I will never allow a MLM to be apart in any way of my Business as a Professional Esthetician. I am strong enough and determined enough to buid my Professional Business without worrying about uplines, downlines and walking around with octopussy legs everywhere.

I want my clients to trust me and never ever worry about me trying to recruit them underneath me. Nor do I want them to ever buy or use OVER THE COUNTER/ Party Products sold by me on their skin.  

Now I will encourage anybody including my clients, that has an interest in a real career in Esthetics to go to school, and learn learn learn, then get licensed by their State to practice as a Professional Esthetician. 

You know there are lots of people that make up the team in a pharmacy. However, there is only two, maybe three of that group that is a Licensed Pharmacist. If you have real questions about the medication you are buying, who do you want to ask, the lady who rings you up, or the Licensed Pharmacist? There are lots of over the counter products in the pharmacy you can buy. The lady that rings you up can help you with those products. But anything stronger than over the counter, you have to get advice from the professional. So it goes with us, licensed Estheticians. We have a license in skin care for a reason.  I am not just a lady who rings up sales. I am so much more than that. And I want to be more to my clients also.

I enjoy a good get together with ladies at jewery parties, tupperware parties, cooking parties, and yes these are also MLMs. But just because the Jewery lady sells costume jewery does not make her an Expert on REAL jewery, Just because the cooking lady sells pots and pans does not make her an Expert Chef. So all that makes them is good sales people.  

As an Esthetician, if your sales of products are weak or down, As a professional, come up with super new ideas to increase your sales. Maybe a course at your local communtiy college in Marketing would help. Learn all you can about sales and marketing.  Those MLMs are out there marketing themselves, and that is what makes them good sales people. They are meeting people, and making those phone calls booking those parties!!!! 

But you are the Expert short of being a Dermatologist, in skincare!  In your Business you are the expert. A Licensed Professional Skin Care Esthetician and Consultant!  Don't rely on others to make yourself successful, you have the power inside yourself to get there. Buy your own darn Caddy!!!  See you have the best of both. You have a License telling people that you know what you know and the STATE backs this up because you have had intensive classes and training, and you have products in which, you understand how the skin works and what and why products work, and what is best for your clients. Get on the phone or out in your community and market yourself. I read somewhere, and do not know who this is by, but it read " There is no elevator to success, I took the stairs!"

Instead of being pro active (not the product), for someone else, be pro active for yourself and your own business. Even if you are renting a booth or room, or working for a medi spa, promote what you do for yourself!!! Get clients coming in the door to see you and get your service by letting people know that you are there!!! There are thousands of people in my town who I do not know. I will never get to know them either unless I present myself and what I do, to them. They do not even know I exist, yet, but they will!!!! I am going to make sure of it.  ( I am only a student right now, but it is the best darn career decision I have made and darn proud of it!)


I would only consider it if the products were actually professional and sold only to licensed professionals (like say they all switched to that model, but again that would never happen so this is theoretically I wouldhn't join to build a team and have all these people workiong under me to drive some caddy or something...I would sell the product if I believed in it and that would be it.  I guess then it wouldn't really be an MLM but rather like it is now.  I think if any professional lines did switch over to a MLM company they would lose all credibility in my opinion.   

You are absolutely correct, I say MLM because thats all I know to refer to them's the lack of knowledge that most have and the pushiness and the face that they target Estheticians so I am being emailed or called on a weekly basis. 

I think it's unfortunate that the business model has gotten such a bad reputation, but as someone who IS a licensed esthetician and IS successfully selling what I firmly believe is the BEST product for my clients' skin (and mine), I just would love to clarify a few things.  First, the reason that any company chooses to offer the products through this distribution model is typically because there is no overhead.  They aren't paying sales reps $40,50,75 K, etc to be paid employees with a territory and instead they only pay when product is actually sold.  I too get annoyed with all of the hype that is associated with building a downline and sponsoring a team, but the fact is that direct selling has made more self-made millionaires than any other industry.  That being said, I do not ever approach my facial clients and attempt to sponsor them.  That wouldn't make much sense being that I sell them product and they come to me for sound skincare advice and direction.  Now on the otherhand, if I encounter someone who is generally seeking a flexible income-generating opportunity, I know that I can teach them how to recommend products (if the girl at the Clinique can do it, and if I could do it when I was 19 and a college student, I can teach them how too).  No they won't be licensed or performing treatments, but some people are just looking for great skincare and not necessarily a service.  

As for benefits to an independent esthetician on a budget, I am able to offer my clients affordable, high-quality products that deliver results, WITHOUT having to invest thousands in inventory, or without losing that profit at all (I actually know several estheticians who don't retail because they can't afford to invest, so they end up referring clients to products they don't even sell).  I agree that several brands offer PURE JUNK and SENSELESS HYPE--and it's very frustrating to professionals like us, but please understand that the business model itself does not negate the quality of a product.  It's judging a book by its cover.  I'm not disagreeing with your experiences because I too have them every single day, but I'm just saying, have an open mind because IF there were a professional skincare line that offered you the opportunity to order on your own terms, make great money, have excellent reorder business and it happened to be sold by a direct selling company, I assure you, it's a great situation.  Hope that this makes sense.  I'm in a bit of a hurry!

What brand do you sell and believe in?  I thought one of the issues with these models is they don't really have higher grade products for backbar, and if a customer is only going to get the same retail grade products in a treatment, why get a treatment?  I would love to know what product line you use.  

I agree! How can an esthetician deliver better results when there's no professional strength products. Not saying that the retail are bad (not my personal preference) but it's not a true therapeutic facial where you are delivering results. You can't do chemical peels or enzymes that are actually effective. But that's just my opinion

Diane, I use Dermalogica as well.  I was asking the girl who uses an MLM product what she uses.  

Jodi, sorry about the reply earlier. I misunderstood. Again sorry about that.


No problem.  I didn't put her name in it, so it wasn't clear who I was talking to.  :)

i use Mary Kay. I have used dermalogica and i do love it. i have tried image but i found it was to strong for my skin. I have used murad and well like i said i use MK.

I don't see any reason that my retail products have to be dramatically or even slightly different than the products that I use during my services.  Clients come to us for the treatment as well as the knowledge and guidance that we have to share.  We are there to treat and to educate.  I do use a professional lactic and glycolic as well as microderm abrasion and ultrasonic treatment, and extractions/steam/massge, etc, so they certainly get a service from me that they can't replicate at home, but as far as my cleansers, exfoliants, masques, toners and creams, I am extremely pleased with my results.  We don't have backbar sizes but my product is so concentrated that I rarely have to replenish them.  It's remarkably effective for me!  I'm sorry, I can't figure out if anyone is responding to me or just responding in general to this thread!  

Emilie, I was asking you directly what MLM product you use that you feel is acceptable to give a professional strength treatment.   Thanks. 


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