Anyone else SICK AND TIRED of setting up at an event where there are millions of MLM skin care and cosmetic companies?  Sorry, had to vent about this.  At my recent event, there was a NuSkin and Mary Kay consultant.  The NuSkin woman came by my table and says what do you have?  I said I am a skin care spa blah blah.  She goes oh I can't be by you.  The the Mary Kay lady asked the same thing and her response was the same.  I said well I actually do facials not just sell product...she goes, yeah so do I.  WHAT? 

What bothers me is people who are not trained properly can consult people and tell them what products are best for their skin and they can apply product and do treatments as well. An arbonne rep told me once that hormonal acne can be treated with their products.  Really?  and all this time I thought you had to get the hormones under control to truly treat it.  Am I wrong? 

Makes me so angry!  Thanks for letting me vent.

Does anyone else feel aggravated?  If I hear, no this company is back by SCIENCE, one more time, I feel like screaming.  

Are any of the MLM companies good products????   

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LOL! Careful Jodi!

She is already giving a sales pitch!

Seriously, Cindy.  With all due respect, that is unfounded and rude.  I answered her direct question, now, 23 hours after she asked, and 11 hours after you made this comment, and the first time I had a chance to respond via this board, but I was not at any point giving a sales pitch.  I know a great deal about the line and I have a long history with the company.  I actually work as an educator with the company, as an independent consultant.  I obviously love the line, just like you probably love whatever line you are using, but I'm not here to give anyone a sales pitch.  I don't appreciate the negative accusation though.  As the ladies below mentioned, I list my website and my name here--I'm completely transparent and I've made no secret of my preferences here or there.  I haven't encouraged anyone to check out the line at any point.  I obviously was interested when I saw this original post because a) I too, as an active professional who attends many networking groups/events am annoyed at the myriad of Arbonne's, Mary Kay's, Avon's, NuSkin's, Nerium's, etc who attend said meetings and also try to recruit me (seemingly more and more each week), but b) I also whole-heartedly believe in the relationship marketing/MLM model and see it as a very positive distribution model (IF the product is exceptional--which in my opinion, is a rare thing just as it is with "professional" brands).  So hope this clears it up.  I'm interested in the topic because it directly relates to me but I'm not here for any other purpose.  Thank you kindly.

Just google her name graceskincaresolutions which she has listed as her name above and you will find her website with her products

I did that.  I never heard of that line. 

Avalla is a small company although Nutrimetics has a pretty large world-wide presence.  In the 50s they were one of the first companies to introduce botanically-based skincare without petrochemicals, SD alcohol, cruelty-free, lanolin, etc.  The original founder was a CA-based Nutritionist who discovered the Hunza people in the Himilayan Mountains didn't age, and that this was due to their extensive use of Apricot Kernel Oil (you can google Hunza and you will see tons of apricot pictures--they have been in National Geographic many times).  Anyways, he eventually sold the company to an Australian couple who made the brand a world-wide success.  Avalla is the exclusive US distributor of Nutrimetics, but we are very small, so I wouldn't expect that you would have heard of the line.  My mentor who passed away last year was amazing, and was quite successful in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA.  There are small pockets throughout North America.  Here in Houston, where I live now, we have a small presence but if you haven't met a consultant, you wouldn't have known of the brand.  Hope that helps!

Yes ma'am my website is viewable above.  I don't want to type the link because I think that may be frowned upon in these types of forums.  But if you have any other questions, you can always message me!  I'd love to hear which lines you all prefer and why!

Sorry, Jodi, I didn't see that question.  I'm not great at following threads on these types of boards.  My products of choice are Nutrimetics, a leading Australian skincare brand, but we are distributed here in the US by Avalla.  I've been using them for 13 years and when I went through my esthetician education, I didn't feel that Dermalogica, Image, Glymed Plus, Source Vital, etc, were any more impressive and some of them caused my sensitive skin to literally swell my eyes shut, on more than one occasion.  Another one of the above caused the only severe reaction that I've ever encountered in 13 years on a client--I was beyond embarassed.  So I see no need to use anything else that is sold exclusively to professionals when in my humble opinion, I have an effective, botanically-sourced, technologically-advanced skincare range that delivers results.  You all have reasons for choosing the products that you choose, and these are mine!  

Like I said in one of my posts above, I do use a professional strength Glycolic and Lactic peel, and I'm looking at adding Hydropeptide Peels after recently learning about their line via the ASCP webinar.

What products do you use emilie?

Hi Kathleen, I just left a more detailed description above, but the line that I use and offer is Nutrimetics by Avalla.  The brand is Australian-based Nutrimetics and here in the company is Houston-based Avalla. They offer skincare, cosmetics and wellness.  Obviously, I mainly focus on their skincare and anti-aging.  How about you?  What is your favorite line?

Well I've mainly worked with dermalogica which I love! However I have a small waxing business and I'm thinking about offering facials but dermalogicas start up is a little much for me right now so I'm exploring other lines.

Thank you for the reply, Emilie.  Appreciate it. 

Of course!  


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