I am so not an acne guru (anti-aging is my thing), so when my client (the Mom) came in with an inflamed teenage daughter today and I began the questioning......I was shocked when it came out that they had been putting toothpaste on her face for the past couple of weeks!!! She said "I heard that toothpaste was good for acne" I was flabbergasted and speechless for a moment.

I used some of Skin Scripts Blueberry enzyme just on the inflammed areas for a few minutes, cleaned that off and then put her under my blue LED panel for 15 minutes and then red for another 10 minutes. She looked so much better when she left and will be back in 4 days.


Every time I think I've heard it all...I haven't!

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Yikes!!!  Lucky it wasn't Windex (haha).  I actually got a great recommendation on here about Manuka Honey (from New Zealand) - purchased at whole foods.  It has such great germicidal properties.  You just apply it directly to the skin as a masque.  I recommended it to my niece as an experiment and she said that it really helped with the acne.  I am also a huge fan of High Frequency and the Blue Light (per your recommendation, thank you!).  I think it really helps heal the skin from the inside out.  

The one product I've gotten the most positive feedback on is Dermalogica's Daily Microfoliant.  My clients with acneic skin say that it really helps with one of the main issues of acne - the excess skin cells - by providing an "everyday" exfoliant, and it is gentle, so it doesn't aggravate the skin.  I also really adore their Ultra Calming mist for that reason.    

Another treatment I've been curious about and I don't know if anyone has tried it, but it is from Clarisea.  Essentially, you soak your face in salt water.  It sounds interesting but I don't know if anyone has tried it with their clients.  

I am interested in Skin Scripts.  Do you get really great results from them?  

Waaaay before I became an Esthetician...I was one of those experimenters that tried EVERYTHING on my face for acne spot treating.  Toothpaste, salt from a salt shaker, hemorrhoid cream, lord knows what else.  If you google search treatments, you would be shocked at the stuff that comes us.  Toothpaste can actually leave a scar!!  I had my eyes blow up one time like I was knocked out by Rocky because they were irritated and I decided to put skin ceuticals phyto corrective gel all over them because it is for calming....but not near the eyes.  Needless to say I learned my lesson.  That was when I first started school!!!  YIKES

Yep I did that too. It's embarrassing to say, but when I had acne at 13 I put urine on my face because I heard it helped :/
Ive herd about a baby pamper myth on the mothers face to clear the mouth breakouts. Boy oh boy the things we here
@shelley i shame to admit when i was a teenager i tried the toothpaste, and also the noxema mask over night thing. Little did i know.... Lol

OMG, really? The things we did to try to cure it ourselves! I used to put Visine on for redness, toothpaste, even bar soap suds and let them dry to dry up backne.

I did visine too!!!  mixed with salt!!  LOL

I have heard about applying manuka honey on the skin before taking a bath would cure it!!

Is it really true??

I use the Manuka Honey in my treatment room and I love it! I don't use it all the time b/c I think I have other things that work better but I do suggest it to my clients for something they can do at home. It not only helps with acne and breakouts but it hydrates the skin too. Something most OTC acne products don't do!

Can you share where you purchase from?

I got mine from Amazon. It was $25 for 4oz. A little pricey but a little goes a long way. I've even used it on chapped lips and cold sores (I used gloves just in case!) and my clients told me that it healed them much quicker than usual. 

The best manuka honey to use with be the "active healing" grade of manuka honey. The medical grade honey works so much better than anything out there to reduce rednes, address acne, and nourish the skin all in one go! Wedderspoon has an amazing organics/no pesticides/antibiotics company. Manuka Health is another good source.


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