Hi, there. A few months ago I was offered the opportunity to open skin care in a yoga studio that also does massage and acupuncture. The owner chose not to go through with it because of sharing space. Well, at that point I called the PA state board and said that since the owner had a yoga studio and massage that they could add skincare as long as they W2'ed me. So we are all set to go with product lines and supplies, etc. I attended a class today on waxing education and was told that I was misinformed and to call back the state as there must be an inspection and someone who is the owner of salon space. Sure enough I call back and they agree. So okay, no big deal we are set back a few weeks. The issue lies in the sharing space. They do massage in this studio and will only be offering facial services 2 days a week. I know I have been in a salon where I had a facial and flipped over for a massage in the same service. So please, any advice is very much appreciated.