Ive been getting a lot of teen girls coming in with grade 2-3 acne. It's usually their first facial and they're super sensitive to extractions....
What's the best products to use on them.? Which enzyme peel is best?
Please respond.
First of all are you sure about the grade of acne 2 - 3? Please take a look at the pictures and confirm because on a scale from 1 - 4 a 3 is very difficult to treat with topical and your post does not give enough details.
I am not sure why you would use an enzyme peel. I do not think it is strong enough. What line or lines do you own?
Is your client also seeing a Derm? Have they ever seen a Derm? What Fitz type is she? Acne run in family? How is her weight or their weight (Diet issues)? Menstrual? Stress? Family issues or divorce going on?
See where I am going with this? Acne is not just one thing so the more details the more others can help.