Hey all!  I have rented my rooms out and have had success over the last years but lately I am getting bombarded with emails to rent a room. I was thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea to compile a list of questions for potential renter.  Times have changed and with posting on Craigslist you can get some real doozies out there.

I feel like my spa is my home and I am renting out a space in my home so if anyone can give me some solid gold questions to ask that would be GREAT! 

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Ask for their facebook or social internet page. That should be a tell all for you. :)



This is a great idea.  I've looked at FB pages of potential new hires and its saved me from wasting time interviewing people who seem to only party, drink, can't control their tongues, and 'wake up wasted', LOL.  You can tell a lot by just a few pics or posts on FB...

If you are posting the rent price and still getting bombarded, then you are pricing it too low.  Raise the rate, include some beautiful pics of your studio, and emphasize the perks (location, traffic present within the establishment, great reputation, amenities, etc.) and the quality candidates will self-select, while the "situations" will keep looking. Bonus: you get extra money.  

Hi Christine- I had to drop the price to compete with other salon/day spas in my area. So I had to price at a competitive price point and still be able to cover my overhead. I have had different ads posted different ways to attract the type of therapist I want working side by side with. With it being a renters market I think all the good ones found their homes. I followed up on an email and the girl (who is looking to rent) sounded like I just woke her up and it was almost 10am and then I get an email asking if this was a "livn wok spase" so I will just keep plugging along! :)

YIKES - definitely NOT a "livn wok spase," hahaha.

Follow your gut on your pricing.  My recommendations come from my own experience, especially if you are providing more amenities than average.

Questions -

State in ad will do background check and must have all licenses, etc

Years of experience- on own and in industry

Clientele- will they bring or expect you to find?

What type of marketing/advertising they use?


How many hours? Full or Part time?

Services offered?

Products used?

Equipment/ Furniture they have or may need-

Why they want to rent


Last place worked ( or last few)

Hobbies outside of work

Facebook business page- twitter- blog

Linked In- any online resource they use in past to self promote


If you have them send a resume/application - then phone interview before in person that could help weed out. In ad state a few rules you have or circumstances they must fall under prior to sending info. Could help weed out the list!

Natalie! Thanks for this list. I just cut and pasted it to my word file.  You rock!!

Yes, FB would be a great avenue to investigate the professionalism (or the lack of) your potential renter. Ask the list of services offered (asking to list ALL). Would they agree to a backround check ? Previous employers ? Clients ?

Best Wishes !


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