Hi everyone, ASCP wants to know what you'd like to see covered in our webinars. Are there any particular treatments, trends, subjects or presenters you'd like to hear about/from? Your feedback is really important to us and we want to cover subjects you want to learn about so any insight will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for taking the time to let us know!

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My main issue is marketing.  Even though I'm not the owner of the spa I work for, I really want to do my own marketing to get my name out there and gain clients!

How about a "Quickstart" program for newbies? Also, very interested in proven marketing methods as well for skin care professionals like the other poster stated.

As a spa owner, I also like Jodi's idea about focusing on ways for estheticians within existing businesses to promote themselves at a low cost or cost that business owners would be willing to pitch in for.

I would think this would also address how to ask for and gain referrals, both in the spa and in the outside world.  I know most estheticians that I have ever worked with are VERY apprehensive about this.

Thanks everyone. It sounds like we need to get a marketing webinar! We do have a lot to offer already in this category on the ASCP website, but we will work on tailoring something specific to your requests. Thanks for the feedback. It's great to have your input!

If you are an ASCP member you can access the new Skinpro education, Skin Biz Attract Clients. This is an online class that can help you. More content is being worked on frequently with the next Skin Biz focus on setting up your practice.

Suzanne, do you have a link?

www.ascpskincare.com, log in as a member at the top right of the page, and then look under the purple Education button. Because it is only available to members, we can't link to it directly. I have also seen some of the future classes Susanne is working to add to that section and there is a lot of good stuff on its way!

Business practices- advertising, client retention, advanced education in skin conditions...

Would be fun to have an area to submit a video link and v members in treatment rooms performing a service or giving a " lesson" on a certain niche, modality or product.
Could post a few weekly or monthly on topics or area of interest.

LOVE all things cosmetic chemistry & anything that has to do with ingredients

Fantastic input! Thank you for your suggestions. Tracy, if you live near San Diego there's a free course at the American Spa Conference which will be all about performance ingredients. It will be taught get Rebecca Gadberry- she's known in the industry to be the cosmetic chemistry guru. Natalie, you have some great ideas. We'll see what we can do! Thanks again ladies!


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