How do you all handle new clients that wander in 5, 10, 15 minutes late? When they re told to come 5-10 minutes BEFORE their appointment for paperwork, checkin, etc?

Especially when, when they finally do arrive (with no phone call), its unclear as to whether we'll have time for consult and tx?

I am having a hard time with this lately, and find I'm not very forgiving, or whatever I say puts them on the defensive when they do show up.

How do you handle?

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I know this is frustrating, especially when you're on a tight schedule.  I try to allow an extra 15 minutes for new clients in case they have trouble finding the salon or in case they have extra questions etc.  

I HAVE to allow extra time between appointments to make sure that I have enough time to check out, clean up, or do add-ons.

But I have noticed within the last couple of years that clients no longer come in early. I don't know why this is so - but I see it everywhere - I don't know if people are too busy and too tightly scheduled, or if they just don't CARE if they are early/on time for an appointment.

They either show up right at the appt time (even when you have asked them to come in early for intake), or are late.  This is with my regular clientele also...the ones who are ALWAYS late I just put in my schedule accordingly and don't worry too much.

As soon as they walk in the door, I offer them some water or tea to drink while they fill out their skincare intake.  I look at my watch and explain that we're starting a bit late, but that we will still be able to fit in our consultation and  many of the treatment modalities into the session.  I say this with a huge smile, as if to say, "you're here now, so whatever crazy traffic kids-late-to-school situation you had going on, you can forget about it," and that keeps them from going on the defensive about their lateness.  I also honest-to-goodness have my next slot booked (my receptionists push the times that are right after new clients, to give the impression of demand), so I move quickly and professionally through the treatment modalities.  When I have to skip something, I usually say, "and next time, we'll be able to include ultrasonic permeation here and get even better absorption of your mask," in an optimistic way so that the client knows there is more good stuff in store for them.  Or go one step further and say, "and next time, once your skin has acclimated to your new brightening gel, we'll add ultrasonic permeation over the hyperpigmented zones and you'll see that treatment begin to break up the pigmentation over our next three to four monthly facials."  By slipping that in, they are subconsciously prepared to purchase homecare and book monthly facials.

Unfortunately there isn't much you CAN do. You can't force them to be on time and trying to "punish" them (for lack of a better term) could scare them off. It would probably be in your best interest to assume that they will be 15 minutes late and make a schedule accordingly. Worse case scenario you get an extra 15 minutes to yourself or to chat up your new client.


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