Hello all!!!

I am two weeks into my first esthetics job at a day spa, and I was hired independent contractor. My problem is they have a product line that I am suppose to use and retail, but I don't like it...It is Dermalogica, and honestly I have a acneic client coming in tomorrow that I don't know what products to use because the back bar is the minimal purchase.  The only thing they have is a oil free matte SPF for their "anti-bac" line.  

I was super excited to get in an actual client who is looking for skin changes vs. the run of the mill "relaxing" facials that don't care to re book.  I am a little disheartened, and honestly don;t know what to do...

Even their retail cabinet is mostly anti aging stuff, so how am I suppose to help my client without stepping on the spa owners toes?  I also feel it is harder to sell this product because you can get it at Ulta, how do you handle that?



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Dermalogica has great education at IDI on all their products, lines and protocols. 

I know it might be difficult but maybe you could try and look for a place that uses products you do like and that you know are effective. When I was searching for a job, that was one of things I was looking for at each spa/salon. Dermalogica is everywhere and I am not a fan. 

You want your clients to follow you but if you can't give them the results or if you know that there is better, that might be hard to do.

If you work somewhere where the owners pick the line, as I do, then it's up to you to get the education on the line.  Dermalogica has IDI and they teach every detail of the products and protocols.  Is it the best line out there?  No, but I currently use it and am highly educated in it due to the FREE education provided by IDI.  It's YOUR responsibility to get educated on the line your employers chose.  Rather than complain about it, why not schedule a few classes on the products and learn about it.  You may just be surprised. 

I don't feel as though I'm complaining about it...all the education in the world won't change the quality of the product. I do have a meeting with the rep tomorrow.

Samantha - I agree, your product line would NOT be my choice either. In addition I worked for TWO facilities that did not have adequate backbar.

The first one did not have even the most basic supplies - the few facials I performed I did with my own product (which I was NOT compensated for).  This is the ONLY job that I have EVER walked out on.  I spent months going over product requirements and on my last day walked in to see yet another facial on my schedule. 

The other one had enough products to do a basic facial, but never had any retail products in stock to sell.  I usually brought in my own masques for my regular clients, as this "spa" only had ONE masque that we were supposed to use on everyone.

In your case - I don't see this as a matter of training...but more as a failure of the owner to adequately stock the room in accordance with her menu.  Training is necessary sure - but if you don't have product to perform your job or make product reccomendations, then it's really pointless.

And it IS the Employers responsibility to train staff! (or at least a responsible, smart employer!)

As a side note - as an IC you would be using your own product. However this is typical of employers in this biz - you are being treated as an employee but she wants to pay you as IC to avoid paying her share of  taxes. 

And it IS the Employers responsibility to train staff! (or at least a responsible, smart employer

If you know how to use it, it will.  I have used Dermalogica for 2 years now.  Is it my first choice?  No, but do I get results because of the extensive education I've taken on the line, learning how to use the specific products together and effectively? Absolutely.  Maybe I get a little defensive when someone outright states you CAN'T get results with a line that I have gotten results with and my clients are happy with their results.   We all have lines we love and don't love, but should find a way to not outright say a line is awful, when others do indeed use it, like it and get results from it.   :)

Thanks for sharing your experience Jodi. It's good that you feel confident in using a product that you would not choose if given the choice.

I am not sure what post you are responding to though, as no one in this discussion stated that they can't get "results" from any that line.

OP stated that she did not have a complete backbar to address her clients issue.

I was responding to this comment from Dawn C:

 "Hopefully she will be willing to get a line that is proven active and not just fluff."

OP also said (in a post further down) about the lack of quality in the product.  


I was speaking in general. But thanks.

All I'm saying is we should be respectful of the choices other esty's make and be careful about saying things like this about products.  Just my opinion.

Jodi I didnt say I dont see results from it as I havent even tried it but I am reading all the material the salon has on it. If thats all she is going to buy then I should learn how to use it. Im going to ask if I can supply the back bar and just get a higher percentage. I live the sanitas line but its pricy and I want to try the bioelements since I have been using some of the products on mysrlf and am seeing a difference with them too. The arent as pricy and its had a refreshing smell to them too.


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