Synthetic Snake Venom

According to today's issue of the HuffPost Healthy Living, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes and Debra Messing are all reportedly opting for a "muscle shocking" synthetic snake venom-based product called Syn-ake. This anti-aging treatment supposedly acts like a topical Botox, smoothing out wrinkles and relaxing facial muscles. The theory is that when snakes attack, they paralyze their victims with their venom. Swiss beauty chemists soon realized by copying the venom, they could hope for the same effect in humans. Has anyone heard of this?

If you want to read all 8 of the Bizarre Hollywood Beauty Secrets, here you go: 

Read about all 8!

Some of these I've heard of - others are pretty far out! But, I guess that's Hollywood for you!

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I've used a product that has Syn-ake in it. It definitely tightens but I don't think it's a replacement for Botox I did like it though!!

I'm impressed! Was it comparable in price to Botox?

No. The serum was 120 retail priced. It was a Glo product and of course I can't remember the name

I think the snake venom sounds better than the bird poop facial, or the earthworm poop wrinkle cream! ;-)

Hey at least the cost of product isn't that high!  I am sure I can just park my car as the beach for the day and get free products! Haha

Haha gross! And you could advertise all local, organic ingredients :-)

That would be certain to make it a big success! Hey, you can't discriminate against the earthworms! I guess we could all go dig in the dirt, but don't they eliminate what they eat? Dirt? So why not just stick to a mud facial? :-) 

Ha! Yes, I do agree with you on that, although with all the birds in my yard, I could do facials on most of the city, and it wouldn't cost me much at all for products!!

I have a confession...I have totally done the preparation H thing..but for cellulite before a night out!  Haha. 

Have you seen this?  The Vampire face lift?

As the skin care industry is always coming out with something new all the time...we should have a group on here where people post about the latest and greatest things out, ingredients, procedures, buzz words, etc.  It can be so overwhelming especially for newbies like myself. 

Sheila, go ahead and create a group of latest and greatest! I think it's a great idea!

I believe Syn-ake is the trade name for a peptide ingredient, not sure the name of the Lab that has the formula - but any skincare manufacturer can buy it from them and add it to their product

I purchased a product at a trade show 2 yrs ago that had the Syn-ake and noticed zero difference. But others have raved about it.

This has been buzzing around for at least that long (2 yrs).

I think that peptide and stem cell technology will continue to evolve...I'm up for trying just about anything.

And hey - if it makes me look great, I'll even take the bird-poop.

Ha, I would too, actually!


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