Synthetic Snake Venom

According to today's issue of the HuffPost Healthy Living, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katie Holmes and Debra Messing are all reportedly opting for a "muscle shocking" synthetic snake venom-based product called Syn-ake. This anti-aging treatment supposedly acts like a topical Botox, smoothing out wrinkles and relaxing facial muscles. The theory is that when snakes attack, they paralyze their victims with their venom. Swiss beauty chemists soon realized by copying the venom, they could hope for the same effect in humans. Has anyone heard of this?

If you want to read all 8 of the Bizarre Hollywood Beauty Secrets, here you go: 

Read about all 8!

Some of these I've heard of - others are pretty far out! But, I guess that's Hollywood for you!

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Leeches have been used for eons, mostly in undeveloped countries now, for removing toxins and eating dead flesh. Prep H has been used for years for undereyes. Texas won't permit the fish pedi's-don't consider it sanitary, I didn't realize all those times swimming they were after my dead skin cells, it just tickled! There will always be people who try all these exotic treatments.  For me, using some of these tx's sure would make it easier to pronounce the ingredients!

LOL so true...I can see it now when the client calls and asks about the ingredients in a certain product...Um let's see, it has glycolic acid, water, bird poop, etc etc. too funny!!


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