After 5 years of hearing bout the big "O" out of seemingly, every other client it's getting hard to be nice (just kidding ...sort of) Would LOVE to hear how you tactfully talk to your clients about this "wonderful" stuff, & others like it.

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I start with cost, the drugstore stuff is getting more expensive...then I mention the level of active ingredients being higher in professional products, so they will see results faster, ultimately at less cost.  I also mention how the pro products work with the treatments they are getting and that I KNOW what is in my products.  I can't possibly know what is in every drugstore brand and I tell them that.  I let them know there is no way I can say yes or no they will get results, so I can't recommend one. 

All you have to do is have them bring their products in to their consult an look at the ingredients.

Here are the ingredients in the O beauty fluid...


Is there anything in there that is even remotely "active"?

LOL! I just looked up "cetyl palmitate" in Milady's Skincare & Cosmetic dictionary.  So the 3rd ingredient in the deck is described as; "it's chemical structure is the same as whale spermaceti (in my mind that sounds like a fancy way to say, "whale sperm", so I'm kinda done right there, really not interested in rubbing that all over my face ... or anywhere :/) It may be used to thicken, produce viscose emulsions, give stability & add texture to emulsions (kinda gagging) Thanks for taking the time to spell it out.  I see the point.  Everything in there is to make it feel thick & creamy & smell good. Might as well be used to wax apples.

No, luckily spermaceti is from the whale's head, not from its ... well, anywhere else :)

It's a waxy fatty substance inside the skull that has something to do with the whale's echolocation sense. It was used for all those reasons you mentioned, back in the old days when people used whale products in cosmetics and perfumes and things.

I will usually show them the ingredients in our products, then tell them to check out the ingredients in oil of olay or anything else really.  Even though many don't really understand what they mean it's easy to see that there are much more useless ingredients (quantity and efficacy wise)  in over the counter products vs professional grade products.  However if they really will not budge, I try to help them find the best over the counter product for them... I'll tell them to go organic with Kiss My Face.  While it is still more expensive then some products, it's cheaper than ours and it's all natural.  So at the very least clients aren't smudging unknown chemicals all over their face.

From the snarky department -- "you would not be hear if they work!"

LOL!!! :) Great point!

Awesome!!! :)

LOL! where's the LIKE button!  :D

Love that 'snarky' response.  In all seriousness, is there a diplomatic way to say that?  I had a client who wanted to clear her acne, but would only commit to one professional product, the rest she wanted 'to save money' so I did my best telling her what ingredients to look for in a cleanser and sold her the one product that would help. We got results, but not as quickly as I would have liked.  She was using Clinique and 'loved' it, although she came to me  because it stopped working (after switching to some all natural stuff her neighbor sold then back to Clinique).  I wanted to scream - look how much money you have already wasted, now you can't afford my treatments or products???  I really didn't know what to say without sounding condescending!

if I have a client that can't afford both treatment and product, I sell them the products.  Doing these things at home are more imp every day than coming once a month for a treatment.  I know you are working in a spa Jodi, but maybe you could offer for them to come in for a 15 min treatment of LED or hF if say you are treating someone with acne so the cost is less.  Just a thought. 

I basically see her for free for just consult appointments and have her on 1  home product for now.  It's just frustrating that someone will spend $30 on a Clinique mosturizer, but not on a professional one that I recommend. 


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