I have been doing this work for the past 18yrs and incorporated massage 10yrs ago.  I stretch my hands, fingers and anything attached to my body.  What do you so to keep your hands and body from the aches and pains of our industry?  Any idea is WELCOMED! This old dog is willing to learn new tricks! ;)

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Two things you could try-

Red & infrared LED on your hands for 10-15 minutes a day. Especially the infrared should help :) 

Sounds crazy, but fill a pitcher with water & ice and dunk your hands to the wrist for as long as you can stand, 3-4 times. It HURTS but then it doesn't hurt... Know what I mean? It works :)

YES - it's amazing how much relief comes from ice.  We should be icing our hands, faces, and anything that hurts for the anti-inflammatory and rejuvenation benefits...  I share this tip with almost every client, and I've been wanting to reread Jitterbug Perfume as a reminder ;-)  I really agree with the infrared recommendation too.  I have not been at this work as long as you, but I have had the wrist pain issue before, although it hasn't been a problem for me in a while, knock on wood, and holding that red/infrared LED array on my wrists was helpful.  My Celluma panel was also a huge help after my 2 car accidents.  Varying my schedule - doing short waxes and tints between longer facials - also seems to minimize that repetitive stress for me.  Also, check out your sleep position - I was sleeping with my hands balled up and wrists hooked...  I had to retrain myself to sleep with my hands flat, and that helped a lot.  They're still not usually flat by the time I wake up, but it's an improvement.  In your case since you are also doing massage, really taking a class from an instructor who knows their body mechanics stuff would probably be well worth it. 

I'm thinking of the Celluma myself but such an expense-- thanks for the reminder of using red/infrared LED!

I feel your pain-- literally!  At the end of the day, even if only 2 clients my back is so bad that I grunt and howl in pain when the muscle hits nerve.  I have severe degenerative disc disease-- yay. :-( I am getting close to 60 and it's scary to think I'd have to quit because I can't afford to!  

I joined a spa-- it cost $89/month but I find it necessary.  I gave up coloring my hair for it--not everyone can do that but it happens to look interesting on me. :-D  Maybe there is an indulgence you can give up to afford a monthly treatment?  Starbucks maybe?  Or keep a tip jar and don't spend it on anything but self-care.  Can you afford to bring in machines that might help you out?  For example using an ultrasonic for cleansing or a skin scrubber/spatula are the least expensive. Can you take a brush up course on body mechanics? or class on hands-free massage?  Massage & Bodywork magazine this month has an article on minimizing practitioner injuries-- I haven't read it yet but I'm going to my soonest opportunity!  I became a yoga instructor because I wanted to help myself as well as help others with more of my massage knowledge rather than giving it all the time-- maybe you can consider this?  You need to take care of your hands girlfriend before it's too late!  At the very least go to the nail salon and have your hands massage and cared for-- you don't have to have your nails done. Also, don't do trades, get paid!  The best to you dear-- take care!!

Thank you Betty!!  Ya...I had an MRI on my lower spine and it showed that I had moderate bulging disc between L5-L6 bilateral.  I have an appt. with an Orthopedist at the end of the month and I want him to x-ray my hands!!!  I get massaged frequently, I also did a series of Rolfing treatments...(OH BOY THAT HURT)!!!  Thanks for all the ideas!


Ice Ice BABY!...Not Vanilla Ice!  I will try the ice soak!  Thank you all!

Yes and I was remembering...  around the same time that I changed my sleep positioning, I made an effort to dramatically reduce the amount of one-hand smartphone use.  

That is my problem the one hand smartphone use, specifically scrolling with my right thumb, then when I worked in accounting I am right handed for the mouse.

Peppermint essential oil is great for inflamation. Add to your lotion and massage in!

I am still in school but my right hand my thumb get some kind of carpel tunnel and that is from me scrolling with my thumb using an iPhone and I a wrap from Comfort Cool that I got at an medical supply store. For the rest of my body I go and do yoga but I have not been able too in a few months but I am hoping to get back to it soon,

Hopefully the link works so you can see a picture of it.


Sonia I bought something similar to that at Walgreens and it also has a thumb support but I find I can only wear it for about 10 minutes before I start to feel stiffness.  Thanks for the tips!

Sorry I missed this post Miss D. I try to wear it for a few hours but after a while I feel like I need to move my hand. The longer you wear it the better your hand will feel. I find if I wear it overnight for a few days I don't need it for a long time. My main issue is using my right thumb to scroll on my iPhone :( I am sure as I do more facials I will need to make sure I take better care of my right hand.


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