Hello all!

I am holding a Grand Opening/Open House on the 29th of June!  Its coming up quickly, but I thought I'd ask all you fellow Esty geniuses what has worked well for you in the past?

I want to feature a couple of special treatments at a discount (from Image, probably the O2 Lift, and I may feature the Wine Lift and Tone by Rhonda Allison) so that they can be booked that evening at the special price.  I will want to promote my new Employees (facial esty, waxing and brow specialist esty, and massage therapist) and book most of the new treatment specials with them... (on an aside, as owners, how do you gently 'nudge' appointments away from yourself and onto the new hires??  I want to mostly keep my current clientele, of course).

Anyway, I'd love some thoughts, themes, events that have worked well for you all!  Food ideas, music, etc etc etc  :)

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