lots of talk about this 

would love to hear everyone's thoughts...

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thank you. I have used it on my hands, but was sooooooo greasy! have you found a product that isn't?

I totally agree with Rachel Reyes!  LOVE it!  Anyone (acne included) can use it on their skin.  Oil Cleansing is great too!  I use it to massage with also.  Hair, Skin, Internal Use, Cooking... great stuff!

Thank you. Has your health improved?

thank you all for your replies...I think I will stay away from it for the face though. I have read a lot but the majority of those "articles" just want you to buy their product : /  turns me off automatically! 

I use it on my whole body everyday.  I also use it on my hair as a deep conditioner, as well as ingesting it in my smoothies.  

It contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid found mainly in coconut oil, is one of these prized substances. Pure coconut oil contains about 50 percent lauric acid, and is the most abundant natural source of lauric acid available. When lauric acid is present in the body, it is converted into monolaurin, a monoglyceride compound which exhibits antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antifungal properties. It acts by disrupting the lipid membranes in organisms like fungus, bacteria and viruses, thus destroying them.  

Here is a link for other ways to use coconut oil.  http://www.deliciousobsessions.com/2012/01/52-uses-for-coconut-oil-...

thanks! there are a ton of uses, no?

I love coconut oil for my hair, I leave it in over night and just wash it out in the morning.  I do it a few times a week and it  works great for dry damaged hair.  I also use it on my body after the shower and I have made body scrubs out of it.  The place I get massages at only uses warm coconut oil for their massages and I love it!

I've thought about trying it in my hair if this winter dries me out too severely. Thanks! Ever use it on your face though?

Coconut oil is ok on certain skin types but can be comodonegenic , I use and prefer safflower oil. 

Thanks for your reply. Went to a natural grocer the other day and WOW the choices are endless...and expensive! Do you prefer organic? or is a regular grocery store brand ok?

I buy mine from Kroger which is our local grocery store but I also get it online at mountain rose herbs.   I LOVE IT and recommend it as a cleanser constantly.  It is very high in lineolic acid (sp) which helps to remove blackheads. I have carved out a small niche in my community for dealing with sensitive skin types and have found this particular oil to work on almost all of them.  Everybody comes back to me raving over it!  Sure professional products are great but what I am finding is they're really all made by the same company.  all of em.

right on, thank you for the info. Kroger is local for me too 8 )


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