Any tips on beating the blues when you hang your shingle, but the clients are super slow-coming?


Feeling it today.........  :-/

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Hang on. You are in the most wonderful profession in the world. Keep marketing yourself. There will be slow times. You make people happy. Get rid of the nay sayers and keep looking forward. It will pay off.
I feel you! September is always my slowest month. Back to school and end of summer vacations. I like to take a class to stay inspired. Massage, new product, new piece of equipment ect. You get the idea. Good luck and keep doing your thing!
The people that make it in this business knows that it goes up and down.

So just remember that is coming up again. Top producers in other industries, produce even went the rest doesn't... I believe is because they don't buy into "the bad times".

Stay focus and take advantage of the slow times to improve were you need. Also follow up with clients, update your data, learn something, take care of no. 1, in other words stay busy! And before you know you'll be back in shape.
The people that make it in this business knows that it goes up and down.

So just remember that is coming up again. Top producers in other industries, produce even went the rest doesn't... I believe is because they don't buy into "the bad times".

Stay focus and take advantage of the slow times to improve were you need. Also follow up with clients, update your data, learn something, take care of no. 1, in other words stay busy! And before you know you'll be back in shape.

Awwww Gina!


This is always the worst time of year for me.  I was hoping that THIS September would be better since I had an amazing August (which is also usually REALLY slow for me).

This week is a total bust for me - at about 4 clients for the whole week - unless tomorrow is a miracle.


Hang in there - you will see more happening towards the end of Sept.

I am using this time to start planning some different Christmas /gift package promos!

Thanks everyone!! I appreciate the support/encouragement/ideas of how to use this very slow-getting-started time productively.

I understand "total bust", Cindy.... I have one eyebrow wax on the schedule this week....... SIGH.  of course that can always change!! LOL BUT- it's a new client... and new clients can refer new clients!! SO. I must start somewhere, right?!

Share some of your Christmas/gift package promo ideas!!

Thelma- I appreciated your "most wonderful profession in the world" b/c we make people happy comment!! that's something to stay focused on!!

Its been really slow for me as well and I'm glad you posted this because I've been feeling kinda discouraged about my business. I've decided to update my menu with all the this extra time. For free education go to and they have tons of free webinars, a really good one on brochures...


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