I was wondering what everyone thought of this technology.  Whether with a machine, or products, are oxygen masks beneficial to skin and health?  I know all I've learned is that oxygen is not good for skin in treatments and such, hence why so many products use anti-oxidants to counteract the free radicals it can cause.  So what benefit do these  treatments have?  I had one once, no machine involved, it was a groupon I bought and the oxygen treatment was the mask.    Thanks everyone. 

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Many years ago i used to use the oxygen machine on clients and got great results.  It's pure oxygen...much better than the polluted air we breathe.  Anyway, one day I had a client who was a doctor.  She came in for a regular facial and noticed my tank in the corner of the room.  She asked me how many times a day did I put the tube up my nose and breathe in the oxygen!!  I was "Huh, why would I do that?".  She commented "Try it, you will feel amazing, it clears headaches stress and hangovers if you have one!".  She was a 'hoot' to say the least!  

So one day I did stick a new tube with a sterilized tip on it (which just to add, I did throw away the tip I used once I had finished!!) up my nostril and boy oh boy was I skipping around the spa like a spring lamb on a spring day!  I felt very refreshed, like a brisk walk in the mountainous air!!   There you have my story!!!   Weird hey??

So in answer to your question "What benefits do they have?"... I found most oxygen related treatments pretty good.  Cannot say too much about the mask as I haven't used one.  I just went off on a tangent to share my oxygen story!  hehehe

That's pretty funny! I've heard that about the pure oxygen. :) Worth it to get a machine just for that feeling!

I love your reference to the spring lamb on a spring day!  That is hysterical!!  I think all Estys then should be doing this...LOL.  While I love facials, sometimes they relax me a little too much!!

I did the oxygen bar thing in Las Vegas, and yes, it is great.  I was just at a class for the skin care line we use, and it was for the anti-aging line and when we were talking about anti-oxidants and free radicals, I asked her about why some lines use oxygen and she really wouldn't talk against other lines, but kind of hinted it really had no benefit.   Thanks for the feedback! 

Ive personally tried the PCA oxy treatnent before, and have gotten great results from.it, and other treatments. I've herd.both as well that oxygen can be good, but also bad if you use too much. I guess we can say that about alot of things. To mhch of something can be bad. But personally I think.it would benefit alot of clients during treatments, and also can speed up the recovery time after an agressive treatment

Years ago I used to go an oxygen bar in San Francisco every Sunday before I went Salsa dancing....had enough energy to dance the night away!!! Now that I have an oxygen machine, I'll use a nose cannula and breathe fresh air while I'm doing my computer works....keeps my head clear. When you finish and go outside, the greens look greener and the blues look bluer!!

My clients love their oxygen treatments. I can see that there may be an issue if someone was to over use it but I can't imagine that the amount of time we are doing a treatment on them once a month can cause any issues.

Thanks everyone!  Appreciate the responses. 

I don't believe it will do any good to the skin

I agree Mary...it's not so much the oxygen itself as it is the pressure of the oxygen output pushing whatever product you are using into the skin. I jsut have to say again, that clients lvoe this treatment. So even if it isn't

I used to use Circadia and may start again soon, and they have an Oxygen RX treatment that is good for sensitive skin and Rosecea.  I have to ask them about the benefits.  It uses no machine, just the products.  

Do they use Peroxide?

I'm not sure, I haven't used it yet.   I have to do some research on the treatment.  When I do, I will update.  



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