Is it normal to get paid every two weeks if you are an independent contractor?

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If you are and IC you should be in control of your own money.  What are you paying in the way of rent?


My two gals get paid every two weeks. I guess if you consider yourself completely independent...I would ask the same question as Susan. Are you paying rent? I believe there is a fine line between IC and employee. Are you not okay with every two weeks and that's why you're asking for input?

Why are you being paid every two weeks? As an independent contractor aren't you collecting your fees directly from the client? If you are sharing a credit card machine I believe you can set up different accounts so the money goes directly into your bank account.


Here is the IRS website to determine whether you are an employee or idependent contractor.,,id=99921,00.html


Make sure you actually qualify as an independent contractor and not an employee.

Many employers in this industry treat their IC's more like employees. So whether on not you are truly IC makes no difference - there isn't nuch you can do to change the entire industry practice.  Just remember in the future when you are in the position yourself of hiring employees and IC's and try and do it the RIGHT way.


But to answer your question - yes every two weeks is perfectly normal.  I have been in a variety of IC situations...weekly, weekly with a week's delay (pay for previous week), and twice a month. 

Thx for the help girls! I actually quit there because they were having the nurse practitioner do all the peels they hired me to do.


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