

In reading your posts earlier in the week, a few of you mentioned that you really like PCA brand peels. I called the company to see if I could get some info on their products and some pricing. What  I found is that in order to use/sell their products you must go through a peel class with their company. I am not opposed to taking their one day class and gaining more information, but here is the problem the next class I can atend in my state is Dec 4th.


So my question is, what peel product would you all reccomend in the meantime? (I am a new Esty) And did any of you take the class and find it beneficial? The class is $175 but that goes toward product upon completion of the class and short test afterwards.


Thx in advance!

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Hi Jaclyn, 

I've been charging $95 for a PCA peel treatment and includes post care kit. Additional layers are $20. I have the Esthetique Peel and Ultra Hydrating peel which are the retinol boosters as its own peel for $95 or to "Add On" as a booster to a peel for $20. I also give a series of 3 discount including daily care kit (trial sizes) and post care kit, if you'd rather do a series of 6 you can do that too. So far I haven't had anyone go for just one peel treatment, they've been going for the series which is better so they get more results and get to try out the PCA products. Plus the products work really well in conjunction with peels to target their skin concerns.

Thanks for your feedback - means a lot!


PCA didn't invent the wheel when it comes to chemical peels.  I use to use them back in 2001-2003 and then I moved on because I out grew them.  The product is OK, but to me there wasn't anything special about it.  I think you would learn more from Glymed Plus, Christine Heathman, has a great 3 day course that is awesome. Another good line that is great is Rhonda Allison, can't say enough good things about her peels.  There should be an RA educator in your area.  Another great place to get a full line of "affordable chemical peels" is Kira Lab, under the PuraMed professional line.  It's silly to wait that long to get some training in chemical peels, the longer you wait the more money you lose.

Primary Attendee: $475.00
(Includes PCA SKIN Peel Kit valued at over $900)

If you have an added person going with you then it is 175.00 for that person. I thought when I read your post that wow there prices really went down from the last time I looked. So I thought I would post that price of the class for the primary attendee for you.


As a former trainer for PCA and esthetic instructor-I have to say that PCA really does offer a fantastic class. It is a very in depth format with fantastic information. Even if you decide not to go with the line the skin histology and physiology review is top notch. When I was teaching esthetics my students loved attending this class! 


For another product peel option- I don't believe that Universal Companies has any restrictions on purchasing peels and Control Correctives has a nice line. My personal favorite is the Lactic w/Green Tea peel.




It is a nice simple peel not strong and will give your clients a brightened and tightened appearance. There are many other choices but this may be the quickest and easiest to get you comfortable with peels. 


Best of luck!


Denise R. Fuller


Editor of LNE & Spa Magazine

I learned with PCA and I though it was good until I went and worked for a spa that used Rhonda Allison products. The peels and enzymes are nothing short of amazing. They have protocols and products for every skin type and condition. I absolutely love the line and the price point is great as well! Hope this helps!

The spa I work for has bioelements and I dont feel they have strong peels, I was looking into pca, does rhonda allison have peels as strong and are the retail products reasonably priced

I like PCA, I took one class in school and just Monday did the Advanced peel class, Personally I think it is worth it. As I understood from now on I won't have to recertify every 2 years. I do like their peels and skin care, though I am more geared to waxing. I am not familiar with the many other companies products, other than what I have read on here. Maybe I'm just not experienced enough to give a valid opinion.

Keep checking if interested as new classes are added apparently when enough are interested. Six weeks ago this class I just took, wasn't scheduled.

Yes! I took the class and loved it! I don't currently use PCA products, but I took it for general knowledge a few years ago and I thought it was fabulous! They have doctors teach the courses and you can learn so much! Is there another training in another state you can travel to that isn't too far? I can't emphasize how much I loved it. Dr. Wilde taught ours. She was amazing.


We also got a peel kit with minis of the regular size products, including the peel procedure book which is so nice to have on hand. I used this peel kit so much on myself and friends (HAHA!) They may sell the book now separately, I'm not sure- but it is so valuable if you use the products.


What really got me about PCA is anyone you call on the customer service hotline is an esthetician! How amazing is that?!?




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