Hi Ladies,

Have any of you ever don a chemical peel or enzyme treatment on necks or decollete?

If so, what products did you use and were you and the client happy with the results?

I'm really wanting something to target women's "turkey" necks, just not sure what is best to use.

Thank you in advance,

Tracy (newbieI) 

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Hi Lisa , so I booked my client in for a series of 10 weeks for the passion fruit facial just getting right down to business with this in a 30 min tx. she does have relaxed elasticity and some deeper wrinkles starting to develop. I am excited to see the results from this series as I have not done this with the passion fruit enzyme for tightening and toning I am also including the neck with this tx. I start with the pom/glycolic cleanse as she does Not get very red from this enzyme as I had expected also lightly demafile over the enzyme and do use steam but keep it farther away from her face just enough :) I will keep you informed as we move along ! Oh could I also layer or mix in the 2% retinol as well ?

Hi Cheryl - I hope you are taking pictures.  Yes! you could layer or mix the 2% retinol in as well.  Do you have this client on homecare as well?  My thoughts turn to Glycolic Cleanser used 5 times a week (put the dermis into trauma mode to produce more collagen), Cucumber Toner (rehydrate), Ageless Hydrating Serum (rehydrate), and Vitamin C (Vit C is a great antioxidant to feed and nourish the fibroblast).  I realize you need a daily cleanser, moisturizer and spf as well, but wanted to see if she was treating at home as well.  :)

Oh yes she is (lol) she does have dry skin type so pom clns. toner hydrating serum 2% retinol 3x weekly and hydrating moisturizer which I am going to give her samples of the peptide moisturizer to try. I will add the glycolic cleanser to her home care this week and explain in detail a bit more :) thanks and she just purchased her sunscreen Wednesday! Good idea I will ask her if I can take a picture Wednesday after her facial when her skin looks amazing ! Thanks for all your expertise advise <3


Hi Cheryl! I am getting ready to order the Passion Fruit Enzyme also to provide the same type of treatment. Excited to see your client's results!

I will defiantly keep you posted. We have already used the passion fruit twice. I have seen her 3 times now so I have a pretty good feel for how her skin reacts to treatments so moving forward with the series and go from there. Good luck and please keep us informed of how everything is going with your series as well xo

Dear Lisa,

There is a medical grade peel that is 17% TCA; 17% Salicylic, followed by 1% Retinol pads.  They will not sell to aestheticians.  However, I am testing a desquamative treatment that, with proper maintenance, (nothing works without home care) can yield beneficial results.  Neck and decollete tend to have double problems: hypo and hyper-pigmentation... very challenging but so rewarding to study and effect results!

Follow me!

Hi Lisa and everyone,
I am so glad to see this being done in a series. I love the Passion Fruit and just started using it now after using your products for over a year. I am having so much success with all your products seeing realy great results. I have a question about the chocolate mask...does this mak typically turn the skin red as well. I had done it on myself with the passion fruit and thought the redness was just from the enzyme but I was MUCH reder after the mask...great great results tho. I also did the mask on clients with there regular enzyme coconut papaya or raspberry peach and the get very very red with the mask, I am assuming its from the caffeine in the mask...was just wondering. So now I will cut it with a little goji berry and it seams better for some.

Hi Susan - yes, that Chocolate Mask does get people red/pink.  It has a glycerine base.  Glycerine is a great driver of active ingredients and some people respond to this one!  I hope its okay with you and your clients. 

Hi gals

Although I'm a loyal Skin Scripts user I still use PCA Smoothing Body Peel formula for the neck,décolleté, bottom of the feet back and hands. It's a 45% lactic/10% salicylic/10% TCA with Kojic and arbutin. I have great results with this peel.

I seem to have better results on clients with age spots and sun damage on the back of the hands and décolleté. I did two peel treatments on the back 3 weeks apart on one client and it didn't lift too well after two treatments. The client had a bad habit of scratching her back with sharp objects which is what caused the pigment scarring to begin with. I told her she needed to keep from scratching her back if she wanted to see results. She declined further treatment. Sometimes it's hard to tell a client something this obvious and direct but I wanted her to understand that it's not that my products are ineffective but that she would need to make changes to see results.

Awww, this is tough, Denise. I've been a dental hygienist for over 34 years... I know that home care is 80% of the result... I am passionate about results, so I have researched everything under the sun. SkinScriptsRx fits my needs.  Not overly aggressive (like toothbrushes that act like chainsaws) and smartly applied, with PATIENCE, the results are LONG TERM... 

Sometimes, we must fire our clients. Understand that they will find someone who can serve their desires rather than their needs.  

Oh yes, when they discover their desires are impassible, they'll return to the sensible and gentle treatments you explained to them in the first place... Smile... I've been doing this for over 3 decades!


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