I am a license esthetician and starting to see my clients at my home. I am investigating which products use. I want to use a good peel in my treatments and need advise! I am checking into Skin Script, Image Skin, PCA, bioelements and glotherapeutics. Is there any other clinical lines to explore that will let esthetican purchase peels? 

Also I came across this website... www.skinlaboratory.com I am very interested into how they are selling 70% lactic and 60% glycolic to the general public CRAZY! Has anybody heard of or used Skin Laboratory?  

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Hey Kelli-I am starting up my own place-actually it is ready and I am running behind-But I have looked into a lot of different lines-peels,etc....I really love SkinScripts enzymes and peels-actually about to order them myself-I like the Cranberry Turnover Peel...I have oily skin....So I decided to start with these...After I get the swing of things (Ive been an esty for 10 yrs but want to be careful with liability,etc), I am going to add Jessner and maybe some stronger peels from Visual Changes. A friend of mine told me about them. No minimum order. I have been getting their information. Good Luck!

Hi Kim- Thanks for the response! I will check Visual Changes out! Did you go to the Skin Laboratory website? Can they really be selling peels that strong? Thanks again for the info! Good luck to you too! 


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