Does anyone take routine photos of clients?  I'm not talking about before/after procedures such as peels, I mean do you take photos at clients first appointments as a rule?

So far, I've only been taking photos of my acne clients and, sometimes, prior to peel series (especially if its for something measurable like pigmentation).

But, I've recently realized that it may be a good idea to take pics of each client before their first appointment.  I just don't know how to work it in without it seeming weird.  I don't think most facial studios do this...?

There's 2 main reasons why I'm thinking about doing it: 1) before pics for watching progress and liability 2) because I see so many people and I have a terrible memory!  I'd love to be able to know what the person looks like on their return visits, and I can't always recall.  I'd also love it for my new staff members to be able to know the faces and names of the clients beforehand.

So, any pointers?

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I take picture of my clients for the same reasons your mention, also I attached to my phone, so when they call I know who I talking with. very helpful,

Have your clients ever not wanted their picture done, or commented on it being less than 'normal'? 

Do you take their picture on the table, before/during tx, or when they're standing (ie, before tx)?

Thanks!  Just wondering how and when other esty's work this into the consult

I really really really want to do this, for both of the reasons you mentioned.  I even set up a little photo station with two stools where I have a digital camera with a flash that fits into my skinscope box, and I can take one picture with the wood's light and one picture with the camera flash (for consistent white light)...  aaaand, my staff and I are using NONE of it.  Partially because of awkwardness, partially because of time constraints with the way our current menu is laid out.

I feel that taking pictures is VERY normal in a medical or plastic surgery setting, so if it is done clinically (i.e., if there is a station set up; I would never use my phone for this even though it has a good camera, because that would seem unprofessional to me if I were the client, etc.) I think it can seem very normal...

I want to revamp our service menu in September, bump up a few prices, and perhaps differentiate between facials with skin analysis and facials with skin imaging and skin analysis, and point new clients towards the latter.  Our facials are already very long (75-90min) so I'd have to really think about how long it would take both to photograph and review those pictures, and work that time and cost into the price.  Then, for a couple months, I would probably offer that as a complimentary add-on for existing clients, just to get everyone's images cataloged.  THEN there is the question of how to store the photos (I loathe onsite storage, like hard drives, because I am constantly killing our computers)...   I am thinking a special dropbox account with a special system for cataloging by name, date, etc.


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