I was inspired to create this discussion from a post that Kirsten Kayser made last week about sending in pics of your room in your spa.  Thank you Kirsten for the inspiration.

We at Premier Beauty Solutions are creating a new board for 'Pinterest' and we are looking for lovely pics of your Spa rooms with you in it working, posing, having fun or just a pic of your room.

We will include your pics on our Pinterest board with a link taking people to your website.  This is exposure for you and your business and if you didn't already know...Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media sites out there right now.

So please, send us some pics of yourself in your room or just your room if you so wish with a link to your website also!

You can find us on Pinterest so you can see what it is all about, if you currently don't use it!  http://pinterest.com/premierclaire/

Send all pics to me here on this site or to claire@premierbeautysolutions.com.

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