Hello all!

I have scheduled an appointment for a pregnant women to get waxed. Although I have waxed women before who were pregnant only a couple of months... I have never waxed anyone that was 3 weeks away from giving birth. Any solid advice so that I do not cause her any discomfort? she is doing a full wax and I am not sure if she will be more sensitive...

Thanks for the solid advice 

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The only issue is positioning.  Depending on how big she is etc.    Funny, i waxed a heavily pregnant woman once who was so neurotic she kept telling me she shouldn't lie on her back because of blood pressure and damage to the baby etc.... I certainly wasn't going to get down there and wax her with her stood up and me on my knees!  She was a difficult one and it took me forever due to her neuroses!    I had her sitting up with her knees up, but her bump was so big i couldn't get in there!  Total nightmare that one was!    I got waxed when i was close to giving birth, it took the girl longer coz my belly was so big.  But that was ok.   She might be slightly more sensitive due to hormones.....but if she finds that painful...good luck in the labor room sweet cheeks!! hahah

But no in all seriousness....just take your time and get her into different leg positions that work well for both of you. I am sure she will be willing to assist to make the whole process less difficult.  good luck!


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