Anyone have any good promotional offer ideas? I am really trying to get new clients in and it has not been easy!

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Dozens, but just blurting them out does not really help

What is your goal?  New customers is a nice goal, but how are you going to reach them -- do you have a mailing list, email list, media in mind?

What have you tried so far? To what audience? ("they" say it takes an average of 8 impressions to create a new client, so how many have you made so far?)

What is your situation -- sole practioner practice, day spa owner, room renter? Skin care only or nails and massage too?

What are your economics?

Without knowing any of this, no one can provide an idea that would work for your situation

I am a new esthetician trying to build cliental.

If you provide more info- website maybe can help...

25% first service

Discount on Gift cards

Fathers day packages- Back facial, scalp massage, etc for $15 or (x) amount off


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