I rent a room in a salon and another Esthetician who is on commission working there now. I noticed today that the salon put up signs announcing holidays specials and packages for body wraps and scrubs and facials. I'm new at this so I don't know how this stuff works. I know that I am my own business so what they do is not what I have to do but what is recommended? What if one of my clients sees these specials and thinks they are mine? Or what if someone books with me expecting the special? The Esthetician is new to the salon and the area so she has no clientele. The discounts are much higher than I would want to do. I also always have my own monthly specials but they are not displayed in the salon (I have a book out front that has my specials but that is all that I can have). 

I just want to be smart here and not lose money and/or clients. I'm not worried that my current clients will go to her instead of me but potential clients may pick her over me based on prices. This is unchartered territory for me so I need some advice please.

Thank you!!

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You will always have competitors's whether you like it or not....It's just unfortunate you are under the same roof.   But in saying that, hairstylists that rent chairs in a salon are all in competition with each other where they all offer discounts or specials.  It is all part of business and something one has to get used to.   Why are you only allowed a book up front to advertise your specials, but they put up signs for her?  Hmmm.  That is more of a red flag to me than the holiday specials...

There are a lot of red flags but I making the best of a bad situation. :) 

I understand that what is happening can be normal, I'm just wondering how I handle it with my clients. Are they going to expect the same specials? My concern is that the sign isn't specific to that Esthetician. It's a general sign so anyone would assume it would be for any spa service. I might be over-thinking this, as I tend to do, but I like to be prepared. Thanks!

Have you spoken to the spa owner  to let them know that, as you are independent contractors, they may want to specify which service providers are offering this "special" so as not to cause confusion?  As long as the signs say "who" is offering the special you'll be covered.  If they don't want to change the signs, you may be in a bit of a sticky spot.  If I were  a new client or existing one for that matter, saw the offer and approached you to booked it, I wouldn't want to hear "oh, they messed up on the sign, I'm not offering that special, that's for the new Esthetician to help her build her client base".  It's not the clients problem. They just want a service.  Before you get too worked up, talk to the owner, it sounds like a simple fix to me.  And if they don't have the time to make the change, offer to redo the signage for them, it will be much easier on everyone.  It's just not worth the drama.  Just curious, is it your idea to have a "book" of specials rather than posting them out in the open?  Hope this is helpful.

I agree with everything you are saying and I thought that's what it should say too. Unfortunately I can't say anything. It will make things worse for me. I will just have to honor the specials. As Sheila said, I'd also rather have someone at a discounted price than no one at all.
Last time I had signs up, at their request, they took them down when one of the owners decided to make things difficult for me. She doesn't like and does whatever she can to hurt my business. Now that there's another Esty, she is pushing her like crazy. Doesn't matter though bc it isn't working. The Esty isn't happy and she isn't getting clients. Our salon does not get many walk-ins for skin and that is what she is depending on.
Thanks for the advice! I'm glad to know that I am not crazy in expecting what I'm expecting. Just got to find ways to work around it. :)

I am in a similar situation and I usually will honor whatever special they are advertising.  The way I figure is that I would rather have someone coming in at $49 for a 1 hour facial as opposed to having noone at $65. 

I rent from a wellness center but I am in my own separate building...little 300 sq ft house. Lease is up at the end of Dec so I need to discuss options. I fear signing a new year lease because I am struggling but then again I have only been open since Feb...but I am not in a high traffic area so I am kinda at a disadvantage.
I rent a room in a full service salon. I also just started in February. I'm doing pretty well considering its only my 1st year but not even close to where I need to be to be to survive. I don't get walk ins either. Most of my business comes from Yelp. I work every single day to build my biz and make a name for myself on the Internet and locally. I'm always doing some kind of marketing thing just to keep me in my clients minds or in potential clients minds...whatever it is. Most of the stuff is free bc I don't have a budget for advertising.
I'm also allowed to sell my own retail (50% of my income) so that is a reason I can't leave. No other place will allow that.
And since I'm newer at this, finding another place is difficult. I've looked. I don't have other options at this time.
I've also talked to other Estheticians and apparently there are just problems everywhere...just different ones. It's like any other job.

I eventually want to have my own place with retail for clients and professionals. There is no place around me that has esthetics supplies. Everything has to be purchased online and I hate that!

Anyway, I got off topic a little bit. :) I LOVE what I do and it's all I want to do. I get tired of the drama and people that want to get in the way of that.

I love that I have this forum to talk to sane and reasonable people in the industry. They like to tell me that I'm the one who is not part of the team when all I'm doing is building my business. They are just mad that I'm not helping them too.

I hope and pray for you to succeed, skintherapist! 

The advertising should specifically state that the special prices are only good with (insert name here).  I've seen plenty of advertising like that, and it's perfectly acceptable.  Can you ask them to add that? 

I know it seems silly but I can't say anything. Whenever I have said things before, that is when I start having problems again. One of the owners likes to find things to come after me for, even though they are not legit. I don't want to deal with the drama. 

I ask these questions so that I know what is the norm. I plan on having my own place in the future with only 1 other Esthetician (with a couple other ideas). I'm just trying to do the right thing and stay out of the way. I keep notes of everything they do. :)

Bonus- The new Esty is not happy so none of this will be an issue much longer!

Thank you! I appreciate your support. :) I'm much more calm now b/c it has been going on for so long. I have been successful despite what they have tried to do. I have big plans for myself and eventually all their game playing will backfire. I still ask questions about what they are doing b/c I need to know what is right and what is wrong...even though I know. :) There are a lot more advantages than disadvantages to staying there. I'm not unhappy b/c I can do my own thing but it would be nice to be in a more supportive salon. Heck, when I won for Best Facial in that contest, I got more support on here than there. They never even acknowledged it. I just find it funny now.

Plus, reading other posts on here and listening to my friends, it seems to be pretty common. Salons are crazy b/c there are a lot of crazy people!

Unfortunately is it more common.  I think all places have their challenges and we have to weigh the good vs the bad and decide what to do.  I hope it all works out for you. 


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